What platform is this? Is it still
The container is executed in OpenShift cluster which does not allow running as root inside container.
as in your original email in this thread?

JFTR: Openshift should eventually get https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-node/127-user-namespaces/README.md (i.e. 'user namespaces' support) so that pod fully restricted in the host namespace can be run fully unrestricted in the container user-ns (including running with uid=0 in container namespace while uid!=0 in host namespace).

Having said that, and taking into account 'user-ns' support isn't available yet, you might want to try builds from https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/sssd/nightly/ : currently Fedora rawhide, Centos-stream 9 and Rhel 9 packages there are built '--with-sssd-user=sssd' and main SSSD process can be run directly under 'sssd' user.

Since you don't need Kerberos / handle keytabs and user TGTs, it should work out of the box.

Your feedback and observations are welcome.

Hi Alexey,

I tried and it did work.  Do you have a plan for a release schedule for the feature?

Yes, it is still OpenShift. We are aware of user namespaces eventually coming too, but regardless it's cool to see non-root support in SSSD. Thank you for your work.
