Hi Pavel,
that's right!!
Many thanks, this was the problem and now everything work!

Thanks a lot for the hint and the reply.

2017-12-08 12:32 GMT+01:00 Pavel Březina <pbrezina@redhat.com>:
Hi, I quickly read through this thread.

The sudorule that you are using (below) does not have sudoCommand attribute specified. If you want to allow all commands, you still must set sudoCommand: ALL. If you want to allow only the command from the first mail, you must set it as well.

# SystemAdmin, sudoers, MYDOMAIN.COM
dn: cn=SystemAdmin,ou=sudoers,dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=COM
cn: SystemAdmin
sudoRunAsUser: ALL
sudoRunAsGroup: ALL
sudoHost: ALL
sudoUser: %SystemAdmin
sudoOrder: 0
objectClass: sudoRole
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