
After 2 days of reading on Samba4 SSSD and AD login I am running into problems. I have set up
- AD server with Samba 4.2  (CentOS 6.3) - domain PEOPLE.LOCAL
- Fedora 19 machine
- Windows XP machine joined the domain without problems, I can run
dsa.msc successfully

I want to achieve AD user login from gdm. I understand that I should create used with dsa.msc and then I don't know if I should add it through Fedora 19 user control panel. I tried it anyhow (was useful in debugging) but changes do not persist.

I set up sssd (ver 1.11.1) it seems alright with AD options:
- id and getent work for passwords and groups

In my sssd.conf I have specified domain as [domain\PEOPLE]
as all the correct server addresses etc are given there and it is easier to refer to the domain just by one name.
sssd loads fine, getent passwd 'PEOPLE\user' works

- realm discover gives this result
realm discover  --verbose PEOPLE.LOCAL
 * Resolving: _ldap._tcp.people.local
 * Performing LDAP DSE lookup on:
 ! Received invalid or unsupported Netlogon data from server
  type: kerberos
  realm-name: PEOPLE.LOCAL
  domain-name: people.local
  configured: no

I can add previously defined domain user via Settings - User : Enterprise with correct username and password, however this does not persist - if I close the user admin panel and then re-open it, the added user is gone.

If I try to log on from GDM (user not listed so I use PEOPLE\user) I get authentication failure
/var/log/secure gives these messages:

date:00:19 host gdm-password]: pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; logname=(unknown) uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost=  user=PEOPLE\usr1
date:00:19 host gdm-password]: pam_sss(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; logname=(unknown) uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost= user=PEOPLE\usr1
date:00:19 host gdm-password]: pam_sss(gdm-password:auth): received for user PEOPLE\usr1: 6 (Permission denied)
date:00:48 host gdm-password]: pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; logname=(unknown) uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost=  user=PEOPLE\usr1
date:00:48 host gdm-password]: pam_sss(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; logname=(unknown) uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost= user=PEOPLE\usr1
date:00:48 host gdm-password]: pam_sss(gdm-password:auth): received for user PEOPLE\usr1: 6 (Permission denied)
date:01:40 host gdm-password]: pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; logname=(unknown) uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost=  user=PEOPLE\usr2
date:01:40 host gdm-password]: pam_sss(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; logname=(unknown) uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost= user=PEOPLE\usr2
date:01:40 host gdm-password]: pam_sss(gdm-password:auth): received for user PEOPLE\usr2: 6 (Permission denied)
date:01:46 host gdm-password]: pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): conversation failed
date:01:46 host gdm-password]: pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): auth could not identify password for [PEOPLE\usr2]
date:01:46 host gdm-password]: pam_sss(gdm-password:auth): authentication failure; logname=(unknown) uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost= user=PEOPLE\usr2
date:01:46 host gdm-password]: pam_sss(gdm-password:auth): received for user PEOPLE\usr2: 7 (Authentication failure)
date:01:46 host gdm-password]: gkr-pam: no password is available for user

Could someone point me in the right direction as to what is wrong with my setup. I have sorted some problems out by myself, but here I feel out of depth.

Many thanks,
