
I've put a much longer copy of the log here: https://pastebin.com/uT4L7NgW

I suspect the "insufficient access" message is real; the server is denying us access to the highestCommittedUSN attribute there. I don't know why SSSD should need this; it doesn't seem necessary to authenticate users: https://ldapwiki.com/wiki/Update%20Sequence%20Number#:~:text=Update%20Sequence%20Number%20(USN)%20is,counters%20on%20every%20Domain%20Controller.

If it was, logging into web services with credentials from this server wouldn't work either, but it does.

Additionally, I now know how to map other attributes into uidNumber and gidNumber, so that won't be a problem.

If for whatever reason the way SSSD is written "can't" ignore all these extraneous things it checks for, do you (or anyone else) know of a way to auth + create users from SAML logins? Those are easy/free for us to set up.


On Aug 22, 2022, at 1:07 AM, Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com> wrote:

Am Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 01:24:29AM -0000 schrieb Jarett DeAngelis:
Hi everyone,

I am trying to get SSSD to auth against an LDAP service provided by an IAM SaaS company that goes out of its way to make its LDAP interface as minimal as possible. All I want SSSD to do is check usernames and passwords against the service (which allows the systems in question to be secured by MFA) and grab UIDs and GIDs from two specified attributes in each user object. It seems to be able to connect fine, but it seems to choke on some missing attributes, as seen in these logs:

(2022-08-20 21:17:18): [be[test.ldap]] [sdap_get_generic_op_finished] (0x0400): [RID#6930] Search result: Insufficient access(50), no errmsg set
(2022-08-20 21:17:18): [be[test.ldap]] [sdap_get_generic_op_finished] (0x0040): [RID#6930] Unexpected result from ldap: Insufficient access(50), no errmsg set


'Insufficient access' means that the user
(uid=ldap-bind,ou=users,dc=test,dc=ldap) does not has the needed
permissions to perform the requested operation. Unfortunately the
related request is not part of your log snippet, can you sen more of the

  *  ... skipping repetitive backtrace ...
(2022-08-20 21:17:18): [be[test.ldap]] [generic_ext_search_handler] (0x0020): [RID#6930] sdap_get_generic_ext_recv request failed: [5]: Input/output error
  *  ... skipping repetitive backtrace ...
(2022-08-20 21:17:18): [be[test.ldap]] [sdap_get_server_opts_from_rootdse] (0x0200): [RID#6930] No known USN scheme is supported by this server!
(2022-08-20 21:17:18): [be[test.ldap]] [sdap_cli_auth_step] (0x0100): [RID#6930] expire timeout is 900
(2022-08-20 21:17:18): [be[test.ldap]] [sdap_cli_auth_step] (0x1000): [RID#6930] the connection will expire at 1661045538
(2022-08-20 21:17:18): [be[test.ldap]] [simple_bind_send] (0x0100): [RID#6930] Executing simple bind as: uid=ldap-bind,ou=users,dc=test,dc=ldap
(2022-08-20 21:17:19): [be[test.ldap]] [simple_bind_done] (0x0080): [RID#6930] ldap_parse_passwordpolicy_control failed.

During the bind the LDAP server returns the data about the server side
password policy in an LDAP control. The function
ldap_parse_passwordpolicy_control() from OpenLDAP's libldap cannot parse
this control and since it might contain information about if the
password is expired and how many grace logins are still left SSSD
currently prefers to fail instead of ignoring the error. If you set

   ldap_library_debug_level = -1

in the [domain/...] section of sssd.conf you should get detailed debug
output of libldap which might help to understand why the parsing fails.


(2022-08-20 21:17:19): [be[test.ldap]] [sdap_cli_connect_recv] (0x0040): [RID#6930] Unable to establish connection [1432158209]: Internal Error
  *  ... skipping repetitive backtrace ...
(2022-08-20 21:17:19): [be[test.ldap]] [fo_set_port_status] (0x0100): [RID#6930] Marking port 636 of server 'test.ldap' as 'not working'
(2022-08-20 21:17:19): [be[test.ldap]] [fo_set_port_status] (0x0400): [RID#6930] Marking port 636 of duplicate server 'test.ldap' as 'not working'

sssd.conf is as shown:

services = nss, pam
config_file_version = 2
domains = test.ldap



debug_level = 7
ldap_id_use_start_tls = True
cache_credentials = True
ldap_search_base = ou=users,dc=test,dc=ldap
id_provider = ldap
auth_provider = ldap
chpass_provider = ldap
access_provider = permit
#sudo_provider = ldap
ldap_uri = ldaps://test.ldap
ldap_default_bind_dn = uid=ldap-bind,ou=users,dc=test,dc=ldap
ldap_default_authtok = some_good_password
ldap_user_uid_number = employeeNumber
ldap_user_gid_number = managerNumber
ldap_user_name = uid
ldap_tls_reqcert = allow
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/pki/tls/cacert.crt
ldap_tls_cacertdir = /etc/pki/tls
ldap_search_timeout = 50
ldap_network_timeout = 60
#ldap_access_order = filter
#ldap_access_filter = (objectClass=inetOrgPerson)
auto_private_groups = true

Can someone help me figure out how to get around this? Open to all solutions including doing something with a server in between proxying communications between the "broken" LDAP server and our equipment.
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