Ah I see, sorry for misunderstanding.

The default in sssd was designed to find something and split it into username and domain-name.
I believe that the (default) regular expression can be simply prepend with "^" and it will work the way you want.

re_expression = ^(?P<name>[^@]+)@?(?P<domain>[^@]*$)

I commented on the ticket...

On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 8:34 PM Paul B. Henson <henson@acm.org> wrote:
On 3/20/2023 8:57 AM, Prentice Bisbal wrote:

> While you may be able to customize the regular expression used by SSSD
> as Tomas as shown, I would be reluctant to do that, as upgrades may
> break that if you don't manage that in a configuration management
> system, and since it's not expected, the QC of sssd and other programs
> that need to parse usernames my not be checking for proper behavior in
> that specific case.

I'm sorry if my initial email was confusing; but I am not complaining
about not being able to use @'s in usernames, I am complaining that sss
both allows and ignores them:

# getent passwd '@@@@@@@@henson'
henson:*:1005:1012:Paul B. Henson:/user/henson:/bin/bash

It's interesting that the consensus seems to be that what I am
empirically experiencing should not be happening :). I look forward to
the implementation being fixed to match the consensus ;).


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Tomáš Halman