
Greetings!  I work at a company that is now far along in transitioning from Quest to sssd.   We have a fairly complex AD forest, with multiple older Linux OS versions we support.

An excellent place to start is here: 

Focus on the "direct integration" section.

How simple or difficult your migration journey is -- depends on two things:
    1. How complex your AD forest is (multiple trusted subdomains?  Extensive use of GC and universal groups?  Or a simple flat one-domain forest?)
    2. How far back in Linux OS versions do you wish to support?

If you have a simple flat forest and if you don't have to support anything earlier than RHEL7, the conversion should be relatively easy.  

With some effort, you can support cross-domain authentication with RHEL6 as well.  RHEL5?  Forget about it!

BTW, I'm quite familiar with the VAS commands and what are the sssd analogs.  (About 99% of what we did in VAS, we have figured out how to do in sssd.)

About your specific question.  There's multiple answers, depending on what you want to do.  

1. You can define "files" first in /etc/nsswitch.conf before "sss".  It will find your local /etc/passwd entry first, instead of your AD entry.  That masks your AD entry.

2. However, if there's just some item of that AD entry you wish to override locally (like the login name or UID), but you otherwise wish to use the AD entry -- then you would run the "sss_override" command to locally override the specified item of that AD entry.


On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 9:38 PM Thomas Harrison <> wrote:
You'd like a specific question... So here it is.  How do I create a local user ( /etc/passwd ) so I can define UID,GID, gecos, shell ) when it already exists in a getent lookup?

On Wed, Mar 18, 2020, 21:32 Thomas Harrison <> wrote:
And wanting to learn all I can about sssd.
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