
I am able to enumerate users but not groups using "getent group."

I believe our old LDAP server uses standard rcf2307 schema:

# blah, Group, blah.blah.blah.edu
dn: cn=blah,ou=Group,dc=blah,dc=blah,dc=blah,dc=edu
objectClass: posixGroup
objectClass: top
cn: blahgroup
gidNumber: 1045
memberUid: blah

I can login over ssh, use getent password, while id returns correct information:

[root@nfs-server ~]# id LUZER
uid=8877(LUZER) gid=1009 groups=1009

My SSSD configuration and debug logs are attached. 

I can resolve the LDAP server and perform searches against it though the logs to show repeated DNS issues.  Though if DNS was a problem, and thus provider offline, then how could I login and enumerate users?

Any help is greatly appreciated and may engender free booze if you're in New York.



Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
HPC System Administrator
Physiology and Biophysics
Weill Cornell Medicine
E: doug@med.cornell.edu
O: 212-746-5454
F: 212-746-8690