Hi Cairo,

Most of the documentation is hosted on https://sssd.io There you will find from how to build it, test it and how to collaborate upto how to install it, configure it and use it.


On Thu, Aug 10, 2023 at 6:37 PM Cairo Campos <cairoapcampos@hotmail.com> wrote:
I need to continuously synchronize OpenLDAP users and passwords with a Samba 4 DC. However, this doesn't seem to be a good idea due to incompatibilities.

Searching the internet, I saw some pages mentioning SSSD, so that I can use OpenLDAP as the basis of authentication for Samba 4.

Currently, my production Samba 4 domain uses internal LDAP and DNS.

I wanted material or documentation that showed me how to make the switch to using SSSD robustly.

Can you help me?
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