
We have a problem after upgrade from 11.7 to 12.5 version

Identity lookups periodically change from short name to fully qualified name for users from trust domains.

In turn, users get lockout of files, or can not login because nfsidmap setup can’t figure out id mapping.


This setup worked in 11.7 version

(+several domains identically configured)


debug_level = 9

cache_credentials = true

id_provider = ad

dyndns_update = false

access_provider = ad

auth_provider = ad

chpass_provider = ad

ad_domain = a.c.dom.org

krb5_realm = A.C.DOM.ORG

use_fully_qualified_names = false

subdomain_provider = none

ldap_id_mapping = false

krb5_lifetime = 10h

krb5_renewable_lifetime = 7d

krb5_renew_interval = 1h

ad_gpo_access_control = disabled

ad_gpo_default_right = permit



With my new setup – Ids from trust domains can’t resolve  as short names.

Only ids from native for client machine domain do.

Cross realm membership resolves fine.


debug_level = 7

filter_groups = root

filter_users = root,lightdm,ldap,named,avahi,haldeamon,dbus,radvd,tomcat,radiusd,news,mailman,nscd


debug_level = 9



config_file_version = 2

services = nss, pam,ssh



pam_verbosity = 3

debug_level = 9



debug_level = 9

id_provider = ad

dyndns_update = true

ad_hostname = a431.a.c.dom.org

ignore_group_members = true

use_fully_qualified_names = false

ldap_id_mapping = false

ldap_user_name = sAMAccountName


#ldap_user_principal = sAMAccountName

ad_site = DOM




