The following entry into an ldap.conf file on a RHEL V5 system provides for the ability to limit users

based in their GID values:


nss_base_passwd OU=ldap,DC=mydomain,DC=net?one?|(gidNumber=11001) (gidNumber=11003)


Only those users with GID’s of 11001 or 11003 can login.  All others are prohibited.


I’ve tried the same filter in sssd.conf on a v6 RHEL system but can’t seem to get it to work.

It doesn’t cause any syntax errors but it is ignored.


I’ve also tried placing an “=” sign after the nss_base_passwd string and quoting everything after

the “=” sign….to no avail.


Can anyone explain the sssd syntax for accomplishing this task ?


Thanks in advance.


Al Licause