Last night sssd shutdown on one of my servers.

I had updated the IPA server earlier in the day - but only patches to 4.5.0, nothing major.

The error I saw this AM was:

(Wed Nov  1 17:08:22 2017) [sssd[be[]]] [orderly_shutdown] (0x0010): SIGTERM: killing
(Wed Nov  1 17:08:50 2017) [sssd[be[]]] [sysdb_domain_cache_connect] (0x0010): DB version too old [0.18], expected [0.19] for domain!
(Wed Nov  1 17:08:50 2017) [sssd[be[]]] [be_process_init] (0x0010): Unable to initialize domain
(Wed Nov  1 17:08:50 2017) [sssd[be[]]] [main] (0x0010): Could not initialize backend [1432158275]

None of the other servers that use sssd/ipa were affected?

Would appreciate any insight into what happened.

I guess the questions I'd ask are:
 - error is obv - db version. Is it that obv?
 - that said, why only one server and not all of them?
 - Should I expect the others to fail soon?
 - why now? I've updated ipa and sssd numerous times without seeing this error that I know of.


"The antidote to apocalypticism is apocalyptic civics. Apocalyptic civics is the insistence that we cannot ignore the truth, nor should we panic about it. It is a shared consciousness that our institutions have failed and our ecosystem is collapsing, yet we are still here — and we are creative agents who can shape our destinies. Apocalyptic civics is the conviction that the only way out is through, and the only way through is together. "

Greg Bloom @greggish