
with LDAP, recursively searching for all nested subgroups, sub-sub-groups, etc. -- that can be an expensive operation.

 the default ldap_group_nesting_level is 2.  You might try to set that to some larger number (like 5 or 6) to see if it makes any difference.  

If you're connecting to AD, there's an optimization that's not expensive (to clients doing LDAP searches) called 'tokengroups'.

Spike White

On Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 5:28 PM Finn Fysj <> wrote:
I'm experiencing problems on my RHEL 9 instance when looking up members of group using
getent group <GROUP NAME>. I can only get users which has direct access to a group,
and no the "user groups" part of the group.

My sssd.conf:
id_provider = ldap
auth_provider = ldap
chpass_provider = ldap
sudo_provider = ldap

ldap_uri = ldaps:/
ldap_schema = rfc2307bis

ldap_search_base = dc=example,dc=com
ldap_sudo_search_base = ou=sudoers,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_user_search_base = cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_group_search_base = cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com

services = nss, pam, sudo
domains = default

homedir_substring = /home


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