On 02/17/2013 02:17 PM, Milan Cejnar wrote:
Dear sssd developers,
as part of my university course on open-source I am to try to contribute by some trivial or minor change to selected open-source project.
I've never done this before but I would like to make some contribution to sssd project starting with, as I see it, quite trivial bug #1756.
Would it be ok, if I tried to correct this bug? And if I could, how can I accept the ticket (how can I get assigned to the bug)?
Best Regards,
Milan Cejnar

sssd-devel mailing list
You need to have a Fedora account.
Then you would be able to login and edit tickets and assign one to yourself.
Please follow the coding style described here: http://www.freeipa.org/page/Coding_Style
Once patch is ready follow the path creation process https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/wiki/DevelTutorials
and send it to the list for review.
If there are comments you will hear them on the list. If accepted we will push the ticket into triage and decide weather we can accept the patch in the current release since the ticket you are planning to work is not in the scope of the release we are working on. If not accepted this is still OK, it will just wait for couple months in the queue to be applied at the moment we branch for the next release. Contributions are always welcome but we need to be able to select the right moment to accept them into the tree not to cause disruptions at the late stages of a release.

Good luck!     
Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager for IdM portfolio
Red Hat Inc.

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