(Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [server_setup] (0x0400): CONFDB: /tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/var/lib/sss/db/config.ldb (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option lookup_family_order has value ipv4_first (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option dns_resolver_timeout has value 6 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option dns_resolver_op_timeout has value 6 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option dns_discovery_domain has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_res_get_opts] (0x0100): Lookup order: ipv4_first (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [recreate_ares_channel] (0x0100): Initializing new c-ares channel (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [fo_context_init] (0x0400): Created new fail over context, retry timeout is 30 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [confdb_get_domain_internal] (0x0400): No enumeration for [LDAP]! (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [confdb_get_domain_internal] (0x1000): pwd_expiration_warning is -1 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sysdb_domain_init_internal] (0x0200): DB File for LDAP: /tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/var/lib/sss/db/cache_LDAP.ldb (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sysdb_ldb_connect] (0x4000): Setting ldb module path to [/tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/lib/ldb]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xbff0b0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xbff170 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xbff0b0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xbff170 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xbff0b0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x0400): asq: Unable to register control with rootdse! (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xbfdb20 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xbea8c0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xbfdb20 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xbea8c0 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xbfdb20 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xbe77a0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xbe7860 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xbe77a0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xbe7860 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xbe77a0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_init_connection] (0x0400): Adding connection 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_add_watch] (0x2000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_opath_hash_add_iface] (0x0400): Registering interface org.freedesktop.sssd.service with path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_conn_register_path] (0x0400): Registering object path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service with D-Bus connection (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_opath_hash_add_iface] (0x0400): Registering interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties with path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_opath_hash_add_iface] (0x0400): Registering interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable with path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [monitor_common_send_id] (0x0100): Sending ID: (%BE_LDAP,1) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_add_timeout] (0x2000): 0xbeab50 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sss_names_init_from_args] (0x0100): Using re [(?P[^@]+)@?(?P[^@]*$)]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sss_fqnames_init] (0x0100): Using fq format [%1$s@%2$s]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [ldap] provider for [id] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [ldap] provider for [auth] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [permit] provider for [access] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [ldap] provider for [chpass] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [ldap] provider for [sudo] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [ldap] provider for [autofs] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [ldap] provider for [selinux] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [ldap] provider for [hostid] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_configuration] (0x0100): Using [ldap] provider for [subdomains] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [id] with module [ldap] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_module] (0x0400): About to load module [ldap]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_module_open_lib] (0x1000): Loading module [ldap] with path [/tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/lib/sssd/libsss_ldap.so] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_module_run_constructor] (0x0400): Executing module [ldap] constructor. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_uri has value ldap://localhost:10389 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_backup_uri has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_search_base has value dc=example,dc=com (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_default_bind_dn has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_default_authtok_type has value password (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_default_authtok has no binary value. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_search_timeout has value 6 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_network_timeout has value 6 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_opt_timeout has value 6 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_tls_reqcert has value hard (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_search_base has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_search_scope has value sub (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_search_filter has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_extra_attrs has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_search_base has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_search_scope has value sub (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_search_filter has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_service_search_base has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudo_search_base has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudo_full_refresh_interval has value 21600 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudo_smart_refresh_interval has value 900 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudo_use_host_filter is TRUE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudo_hostnames has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudo_ip has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudo_include_netgroups is TRUE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudo_include_regexp is TRUE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_autofs_search_base has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_autofs_map_master_name has value auto.master (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_schema has value rfc2307 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_offline_timeout has value 60 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_force_upper_case_realm is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_enumeration_refresh_timeout has value 300 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_purge_cache_timeout has value 0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_tls_cacert has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_tls_cacertdir has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_tls_cert has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_tls_key has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_tls_cipher_suite has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_id_use_start_tls is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_id_mapping is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sasl_mech has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sasl_authid has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sasl_realm has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sasl_minssf has value -1 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_krb5_keytab has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_krb5_init_creds is TRUE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option krb5_server has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option krb5_backup_server has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option krb5_realm has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option krb5_canonicalize is TRUE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option krb5_use_kdcinfo is TRUE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_pwd_policy has value none (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_referrals is TRUE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option account_cache_expiration has value 0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_dns_service_name has value ldap (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_krb5_ticket_lifetime has value 86400 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_access_filter has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_netgroup_search_base has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_nesting_level has value 2 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_deref has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_account_expire_policy has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_access_order has value filter (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_chpass_uri has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_chpass_backup_uri has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_chpass_dns_service_name has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_chpass_update_last_change is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_enumeration_search_timeout has value 60 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_auth_disable_tls_never_use_in_production is TRUE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_page_size has value 1000 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_deref_threshold has value 10 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_sasl_canonicalize is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_connection_expire_timeout has value 900 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_disable_paging is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_idmap_range_min has value 200000 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_idmap_range_max has value 2000200000 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_idmap_range_size has value 200000 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_idmap_autorid_compat is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_idmap_default_domain has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_idmap_default_domain_sid has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_idmap_helper_table_size has value 10 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_groups_use_matching_rule_in_chain is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_initgroups_use_matching_rule_in_chain is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_use_tokengroups is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_rfc2307_fallback_to_local_users is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_disable_range_retrieval is FALSE (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_min_id has value 0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_max_id has value 0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_pwdlockout_dn has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_get_options] (0x0400): Option wildcard_limit has value 1000 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldap_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_search_base set to dc=example,dc=com (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldap_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_search_base set to dc=example,dc=com (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldap_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_netgroup_search_base set to dc=example,dc=com (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldap_get_options] (0x0400): Option ldap_service_search_base set to dc=example,dc=com (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [common_parse_search_base] (0x0100): Search base added: [DEFAULT][dc=example,dc=com][SUBTREE][] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [common_parse_search_base] (0x0100): Search base added: [USER][dc=example,dc=com][SUBTREE][] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [common_parse_search_base] (0x0100): Search base added: [GROUP][dc=example,dc=com][SUBTREE][] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [common_parse_search_base] (0x0100): Search base added: [NETGROUP][dc=example,dc=com][SUBTREE][] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [common_parse_search_base] (0x0100): Search base added: [SERVICE][dc=example,dc=com][SUBTREE][] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_entry_usn has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_rootdse_last_usn has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_object_class has value posixAccount (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_name has value uid (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_pwd has value userPassword (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_uid_number has value uidNumber (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_gid_number has value gidNumber (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_gecos has value gecos (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_home_directory has value homeDirectory (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_shell has value loginShell (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_principal has value krbPrincipalName (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_fullname has value cn (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_member_of has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_uuid has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_objectsid has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_primary_group has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_modify_timestamp has value modifyTimestamp (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_entry_usn has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_shadow_last_change has value shadowLastChange (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_shadow_min has value shadowMin (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_shadow_max has value shadowMax (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_shadow_warning has value shadowWarning (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_shadow_inactive has value shadowInactive (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_shadow_expire has value shadowExpire (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_shadow_flag has value shadowFlag (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_krb_last_pwd_change has value krbLastPwdChange (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_krb_password_expiration has value krbPasswordExpiration (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_pwd_attribute has value pwdAttribute (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_authorized_service has value authorizedService (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_ad_account_expires has value accountExpires (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_ad_user_account_control has value userAccountControl (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_ns_account_lock has value nsAccountLock (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_authorized_host has value host (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_nds_login_disabled has value loginDisabled (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_nds_login_expiration_time has value loginExpirationTime (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_nds_login_allowed_time_map has value loginAllowedTimeMap (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_ssh_public_key has value sshPublicKey (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_auth_type has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_user_certificate has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_object_class has value posixGroup (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_object_class_alt has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_name has value cn (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_pwd has value userPassword (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_gid_number has value gidNumber (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_member has value memberuid (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_uuid has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_objectsid has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_modify_timestamp has value modifyTimestamp (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_entry_usn has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_type has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_group_external_member has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_netgroup_object_class has value nisNetgroup (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_netgroup_name has value cn (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_netgroup_member has value memberNisNetgroup (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_netgroup_triple has value nisNetgroupTriple (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_netgroup_modify_timestamp has value modifyTimestamp (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_service_object_class has value ipService (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_service_name has value cn (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_service_port has value ipServicePort (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_service_proto has value ipServiceProtocol (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_service_entry_usn has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [krb5_try_kdcip] (0x0100): No KDC found in configuration, trying legacy option (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [get_sdap_service] (0x0100): Service name for discovery set to ldap (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [fo_new_service] (0x0400): Creating new service 'LDAP' (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [_sdap_urls_init] (0x0400): Added URI ldap://localhost:10389 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [fo_add_server_to_list] (0x0400): Inserted primary server 'localhost:10389' to service 'LDAP' (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sysdb_idmap_get_mappings] (0x4000): cn=id_mappings,cn=LDAP,cn=sysdb (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc0f4e0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc0f5a0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc0f4e0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc0f5a0 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc0f4e0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sysdb_idmap_get_mappings] (0x0080): Could not locate ID mappings: [No such file or directory] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_id_setup_tasks] (0x0400): Setting up cleanup task for LDAP (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_fo_set_srv_lookup_plugin] (0x0400): Trying to set SRV lookup plugin to DNS (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_fo_set_srv_lookup_plugin] (0x0400): SRV lookup plugin is now DNS (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_run_constructor] (0x0400): Executing target [id] constructor (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [auth] with module [ldap] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_module] (0x0400): Module [ldap] is already loaded. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_run_constructor] (0x0400): Executing target [auth] constructor (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [access] with module [permit] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [chpass] with module [ldap] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_module] (0x0400): Module [ldap] is already loaded. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_run_constructor] (0x0400): Executing target [chpass] constructor (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [init_chpass_service] (0x4000): ldap_chpass_uri and ldap_chpass_dns_service_name not set, using ldap_uri. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [sudo] with module [ldap] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_sudo_enabled] (0x0080): SUDO provider is set, but it is not listed in active services. SUDO support will not work! (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_module] (0x0400): Module [ldap] is already loaded. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_run_constructor] (0x0400): Executing target [sudo] constructor (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sssm_ldap_sudo_init] (0x2000): Initializing LDAP sudo handler (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_init] (0x2000): Initializing sudo LDAP back end (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldap_get_sudo_options] (0x0200): Option ldap_sudo_search_base set to dc=example,dc=com (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [common_parse_search_base] (0x0100): Search base added: [SUDO][dc=example,dc=com][SUBTREE][] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_object_class has value sudoRole (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_name has value cn (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_command has value sudoCommand (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_host has value sudoHost (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_user has value sudoUser (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_option has value sudoOption (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_runas has value sudoRunAs (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_runasuser has value sudoRunAsUser (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_runasgroup has value sudoRunAsGroup (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_notbefore has value sudoNotBefore (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_notafter has value sudoNotAfter (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_order has value sudoOrder (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_sudorule_entry_usn has no value (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc11820 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc11a20 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc11820 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc11a20 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc11820 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_create] (0x0400): Periodic task [SUDO Full Refresh] was created (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_schedule] (0x0400): Task [SUDO Full Refresh]: scheduling task 10 seconds from now [1464264321] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_create] (0x0400): Periodic task [SUDO Smart Refresh] was created (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_schedule] (0x0400): Task [SUDO Smart Refresh]: scheduling task 910 seconds from now [1464265221] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [autofs] with module [ldap] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_module] (0x0400): Module [ldap] is already loaded. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_run_constructor] (0x0400): Executing target [autofs] constructor (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sssm_ldap_autofs_init] (0x2000): Initializing LDAP autofs handler (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_autofs_init] (0x2000): Initializing autofs LDAP back end (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldap_get_autofs_options] (0x0200): Option ldap_autofs_search_base set to dc=example,dc=com (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [common_parse_search_base] (0x0100): Search base added: [AUTOFS][dc=example,dc=com][SUBTREE][] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_autofs_map_object_class has value automountMap (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_autofs_map_name has value ou (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_autofs_entry_object_class has value automount (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_autofs_entry_key has value cn (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_map] (0x0400): Option ldap_autofs_entry_value has value automountInformation (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [selinux] with module [ldap] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_module] (0x0400): Module [ldap] is already loaded. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_run_constructor] (0x0010): Unable to load target [selinux] constructor: /tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/lib/sssd/libsss_ldap.so: undefined symbol: sssm_ldap_selinux_init (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0020): Target [selinux] is not supported by module [ldap]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [hostid] with module [ldap] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_module] (0x0400): Module [ldap] is already loaded. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_run_constructor] (0x0010): Unable to load target [hostid] constructor: /tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/lib/sssd/libsss_ldap.so: undefined symbol: sssm_ldap_hostid_init (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0020): Target [hostid] is not supported by module [ldap]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0400): Initializing target [subdomains] with module [ldap] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_load_module] (0x0400): Module [ldap] is already loaded. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_run_constructor] (0x0010): Unable to load target [subdomains] constructor: /tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/lib/sssd/libsss_ldap.so: undefined symbol: sssm_ldap_subdomains_init (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_target_init] (0x0020): Target [subdomains] is not supported by module [ldap]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [create_socket_symlink] (0x1000): Symlinking the dbus path /tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/var/lib/sss/pipes/private/sbus-dp_LDAP.2035 to a link /tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/var/lib/sss/pipes/private/sbus-dp_LDAP (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_new_server] (0x0400): D-BUS Server listening on unix:path=/tmp/sssd-intg.MGrTl92m/var/lib/sss/pipes/private/sbus-dp_LDAP.2035,guid=aaa3d613d6d0807e72f149bc5746e677 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_add_watch] (0x2000): 0xc14010/0xc13a50 (23), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [become_user] (0x0200): Trying to become user [0][0]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [become_user] (0x0200): Already user [0]. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [main] (0x0400): Backend provider (LDAP) started! (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff180 (21), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc00410/0xbff130 (21), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_remove_timeout] (0x2000): 0xbeab50 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [id_callback] (0x0100): Got id ack and version (1) from Monitor (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_server_init_new_connection] (0x0200): Entering. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_server_init_new_connection] (0x0200): Adding connection 0xc17490. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_init_connection] (0x0400): Adding connection 0xc17490 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_add_watch] (0x2000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_server_init_new_connection] (0x0200): Got a connection (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_client_init] (0x0100): Set-up Backend ID timeout [0xc18040] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_opath_hash_add_iface] (0x0400): Registering interface org.freedesktop.sssd.DataProvider.Client with path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_conn_register_path] (0x0400): Registering object path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider with D-Bus connection (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_opath_hash_add_iface] (0x0400): Registering interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties with path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_opath_hash_add_iface] (0x0400): Registering interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable with path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_opath_hash_add_iface] (0x0400): Registering interface org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider with path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xc17490 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbe9c00 (26), R/- (enabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_toggle_watch] (0x4000): 0xc17d90/0xbeab00 (26), -/W (disabled) (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xc17490 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.DataProvider.Client.Register on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_client_register] (0x0100): Cancel DP ID timeout [0xc18040] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_client_register] (0x0100): Added Frontend client [NSS] (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xc17490 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider.getDomains on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [_dp_req_recv] (0x0400): Receiving data of prematurely interrupted request! (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_req_reply_gen_error] (0x0020): DP Request [Request Not Yet Created]: Finished. Error [1432158213]: DP target is not configured (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [dp_table_value_destructor] (0x0400): Removing [8:8:0000:] from reply table (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xc17490 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xc17490 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.dataprovider.getAccountInfo on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/dataprovider (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc1bcf0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc1bdb0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc1bcf0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc1bdb0 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc1bcf0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc1ad70 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc1c5f0 (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc1ad70 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc1c5f0 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc1ad70 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_request_invoke_or_finish] (0x0020): Out of memory handling DBus message (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_execute] (0x0400): Task [SUDO Full Refresh]: executing task, timeout 21600 seconds (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_full_refresh_send] (0x0400): Issuing a full refresh of sudo rules (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_id_op_connect_step] (0x4000): beginning to connect (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [fo_resolve_service_send] (0x0100): Trying to resolve service 'LDAP' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [get_server_status] (0x1000): Status of server 'localhost' is 'name not resolved' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [get_port_status] (0x1000): Port status of port 10389 for server 'localhost' is 'neutral' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [fo_resolve_service_activate_timeout] (0x2000): Resolve timeout set to 6 seconds (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [get_server_status] (0x1000): Status of server 'localhost' is 'name not resolved' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [resolv_is_address] (0x4000): [localhost] does not look like an IP address (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_step] (0x2000): Querying files (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [resolv_gethostbyname_files_send] (0x0100): Trying to resolve A record of 'localhost' in files (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [set_server_common_status] (0x0100): Marking server 'localhost' as 'resolving name' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [set_server_common_status] (0x0100): Marking server 'localhost' as 'name resolved' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_resolve_server_process] (0x1000): Saving the first resolved server (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_resolve_server_process] (0x0200): Found address for server localhost: [] TTL 7200 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_uri_callback] (0x0400): Constructed uri 'ldap://localhost:10389' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sssd_async_socket_init_send] (0x4000): Using file descriptor [27] for the connection. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sssd_async_socket_init_send] (0x0400): Setting 6 seconds timeout for connecting (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_ldap_connect_callback_add] (0x1000): New LDAP connection to [ldap://localhost:10389/??base] with fd [27]. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_rootdse_send] (0x4000): Getting rootdse (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_print_server] (0x2000): Searching (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x0400): calling ldap_search_ext with [(objectclass=*)][]. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [*] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [altServer] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [namingContexts] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [supportedControl] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [supportedExtension] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [supportedFeatures] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [supportedLDAPVersion] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [supportedSASLMechanisms] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [domainControllerFunctionality] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [defaultNamingContext] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [lastUSN] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [highestCommittedUSN] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x2000): ldap_search_ext called, msgid = 1 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_op_add] (0x2000): New operation 1 timeout 6 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: sh[0xc1bc70], connected[1], ops[0xc1bf10], ldap[0xc19950] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_message] (0x4000): Message type: [LDAP_RES_SEARCH_ENTRY] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_parse_entry] (0x1000): OriginalDN: []. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_parse_range] (0x2000): No sub-attributes for [objectClass] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_parse_range] (0x2000): No sub-attributes for [namingContexts] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_parse_range] (0x2000): No sub-attributes for [supportedControl] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_parse_range] (0x2000): No sub-attributes for [supportedExtension] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_parse_range] (0x2000): No sub-attributes for [supportedFeatures] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_parse_range] (0x2000): No sub-attributes for [supportedLDAPVersion] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_parse_range] (0x2000): No sub-attributes for [supportedSASLMechanisms] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: sh[0xc1bc70], connected[1], ops[0xc1bf10], ldap[0xc19950] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_message] (0x4000): Message type: [LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_op_finished] (0x0400): Search result: Success(0), no errmsg set (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_op_destructor] (0x2000): Operation 1 finished (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_rootdse_done] (0x2000): Got rootdse (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_rootdse_done] (0x2000): Skipping auto-detection of match rule (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_server_opts_from_rootdse] (0x0200): No known USN scheme is supported by this server! (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_server_opts_from_rootdse] (0x0200): Will use modification timestamp as usn! (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_cli_auth_step] (0x0100): expire timeout is 900 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_cli_auth_step] (0x1000): the connection will expire at 1464265221 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_cli_auth_step] (0x1000): No authentication requested or SASL auth forced off (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_cli_connect_recv] (0x0400): Connection established. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [_be_fo_set_port_status] (0x8000): Setting status: PORT_WORKING. Called from: /dev/shm/gcc/../sssd/src/providers/ldap/sdap_async_connection.c: sdap_cli_connect_recv: 2057 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [fo_set_port_status] (0x0100): Marking port 10389 of server 'localhost' as 'working' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [set_server_common_status] (0x0100): Marking server 'localhost' as 'working' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [fo_set_port_status] (0x0400): Marking port 10389 of duplicate server 'localhost' as 'working' (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_id_op_connect_done] (0x4000): notify connected to op #1 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_refresh_connect_done] (0x0400): SUDO LDAP connection successful (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [check_ipv4_addr] (0x0200): Loopback IPv4 address (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_get_ip_addresses] (0x2000): Found IP address: in network (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_get_ip_addresses] (0x2000): Found IP address: in network (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_get_ip_addresses] (0x2000): Found IP address: in network (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [check_ipv6_addr] (0x0200): Loopback IPv6 address ::1 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_get_ip_addresses] (0x2000): Found IP address: 2620:52:0:2280:56ee:75ff:fe5a:2f50 in network 2620:52:0:2280::/64 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_get_ip_addresses] (0x2000): Found IP address: fe80::56ee:75ff:fe5a:2f50 in network fe80::/64 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_get_ip_addresses] (0x2000): Found IP address: fe80::42:5eff:fe5b:823d in network fe80::/64 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_get_hostnames_send] (0x2000): Found fqdn: graviton.brq.redhat.com (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_get_hostnames_send] (0x2000): Found hostname: graviton (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_id_op_connect_done] (0x4000): caching successful connection after 1 notifies (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_run_unconditional_online_cb] (0x4000): List of unconditional online callbacks is empty, nothing to do. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_run_online_cb] (0x0080): Going online. Running callbacks. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_load_sudoers_send] (0x0400): About to fetch sudo rules (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_search_bases_ex_next_base] (0x0400): Issuing LDAP lookup with base [dc=example,dc=com] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_print_server] (0x2000): Searching (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x0400): calling ldap_search_ext with [(&(objectClass=sudoRole)(|(!(sudoHost=*))(sudoHost=ALL)(sudoHost=graviton.brq.redhat.com)(sudoHost=graviton)(sudoHost=*)(|(sudoHost=*\\*)(sudoHost=*?*)(sudoHost=*\2A*)(sudoHost=*[*]*))))][dc=example,dc=com]. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [objectClass] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [cn] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoCommand] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoHost] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoUser] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoOption] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoRunAs] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoRunAsUser] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoRunAsGroup] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoNotBefore] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoNotAfter] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [sudoOrder] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x1000): Requesting attrs: [modifyTimestamp] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_ext_step] (0x2000): ldap_search_ext called, msgid = 2 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_op_add] (0x2000): New operation 2 timeout 6 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: sh[0xc1bc70], connected[1], ops[0xc26930], ldap[0xc19950] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: ldap_result found nothing! (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: sh[0xc1bc70], connected[1], ops[0xc26930], ldap[0xc19950] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_message] (0x4000): Message type: [LDAP_RES_SEARCH_RESULT] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_op_finished] (0x0400): Search result: Success(0), no errmsg set (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_get_generic_op_finished] (0x2000): Total count [0] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_op_destructor] (0x2000): Operation 2 finished (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_search_bases_ex_done] (0x0400): Receiving data from base [dc=example,dc=com] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_load_sudoers_done] (0x0040): Received 0 sudo rules (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_id_op_done] (0x4000): releasing operation connection (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_refresh_done] (0x0400): Received 0 rules (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): start ldb transaction (nesting: 0) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): start ldb transaction (nesting: 1) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sysdb_sudo_purge_all] (0x0400): Deleting all cached sudo rules (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): start ldb transaction (nesting: 2) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc27a30 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc27af0 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc27a30 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc27af0 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc27a30 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sysdb_delete_recursive] (0x4000): Found [1] items to delete. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sysdb_delete_recursive] (0x4000): Trying to delete [cn=sudorules,cn=custom,cn=LDAP,cn=sysdb]. (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): start ldb transaction (nesting: 3) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc33050 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc33110 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc33050 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc338c0 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc33980 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc33110 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc33050 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc338c0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc33980 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc338c0 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): commit ldb transaction (nesting: 3) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): commit ldb transaction (nesting: 2) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): commit ldb transaction (nesting: 1) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): commit ldb transaction (nesting: 0) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_refresh_done] (0x0400): Sudoers is successfuly stored in cache (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_set_usn] (0x0200): SUDO higher USN value: [1] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc27830 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc1b060 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc27830 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc1b060 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc27830 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): start ldb transaction (nesting: 0) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_callback": 0xc25c70 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Added timed event "ltdb_timeout": 0xc25d30 (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Running timer event 0xc25c70 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Destroying timer event 0xc25d30 "ltdb_timeout" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): Ending timer event 0xc25c70 "ltdb_callback" (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [ldb] (0x4000): commit ldb transaction (nesting: 0) (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_full_refresh_done] (0x0400): Successful full refresh of sudo rules (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_done] (0x0400): Task [SUDO Full Refresh]: finished successfully (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_schedule] (0x0400): Task [SUDO Full Refresh]: scheduling task 21600 seconds from last execution time [1464285921] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: sh[0xc1bc70], connected[1], ops[(nil)], ldap[0xc19950] (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_process_result] (0x2000): Trace: ldap_result found nothing! (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_online_cb] (0x0400): Back end is online (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_enable] (0x0080): Task [SUDO Smart Refresh]: already enabled (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_online_cb] (0x0400): Back end is online (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [be_ptask_enable] (0x0080): Task [SUDO Full Refresh]: already enabled (Thu May 26 14:05:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sdap_sudo_online_cb] (0x0400): We are back online. SUDO host information will be renewed on next refresh. (Thu May 26 14:05:31 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:05:31 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:05:31 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:05:31 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:05:41 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:05:41 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:05:41 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:05:41 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:05:51 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:05:51 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:05:51 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:05:51 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:06:01 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:06:01 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:06:01 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:06:01 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:06:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:06:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:06:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:06:11 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:06:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:06:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:06:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:06:21 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit (Thu May 26 14:06:31 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): dbus conn: 0xbff690 (Thu May 26 14:06:31 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_dispatch] (0x4000): Dispatching. (Thu May 26 14:06:31 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_message_handler] (0x2000): Received SBUS method org.freedesktop.sssd.service.ping on path /org/freedesktop/sssd/service (Thu May 26 14:06:31 2016) [sssd[be[LDAP]]] [sbus_get_sender_id_send] (0x2000): Not a sysbus message, quit