On 05/11/2016 11:21 AM, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 05/11/2016 11:14 AM, Pavel Březina wrote:
On 05/10/2016 02:02 PM, Petr Cech wrote:
On 05/10/2016 11:57 AM, Pavel Březina wrote:
Hello Pavel,
patches works as expected. I would like you to rename few things though... "locals" refers more to a resident and it is not being used in the meaning of local users and groups. I'd rather use the word "local" (singular), is_local (where boolean is used).
Please rename the new option into something more similar as entry_negative_timeou, maybe local_negative_timeout, unix_negative_timeout or files_negative_timeout...
Its man page description doesn't read well in english (especially the second sentence). Maybe something like this would be better:
Specifies for how many seconds nss_sss should keep local users and groups in negative cache before trying to look the up in the back end again.
I made a typo there and you copy pasted it there :-) It should read:
Specifies for how many seconds nss_sss should keep local users and groups in negative cache before trying to look it up in the back end again.
Addressed, thanks.
Would it be beneficial to add some magic value (say -1) to represent permanent ncache record?
I don't think so. We haven't such behaviour yet. Permanent negcaching is set item by item by set function. And during discussion about negcaching of local users, the opinion has been that we didn't want it.
But if you know case for it I am open for it.
Ok, I don't require it.
Can you add some debuggin to is_user_local_by_name and similar functions so we can see that local ncache timeout was used? Something like:
if (ret == EOK && pwd_result != NULL) { DEBUG(SSSDBG_TRACE_FUNC, "User %s is a local user\n", name); is_local = true; }
You want to use SPRIuid as format specifier for uid_t and SPRIgid for gid_t.
Addressed. Thanks. I searched for the right form but I didn't find one. Locally, it worked for me.
Thank you for review, Pavel.
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