On 09/13/2011 12:20 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 08:41 -0400, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
I'm starting to implement the "multiple search bases" feature requested
in https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/ticket/868

I want a bit of input on my design (Original text at

I don't expect there to be any disagreements about the individual lookup
case, but I'm not sure if there will be contention around the
enumeration decisions. Recommendations are welcome.
Something else occurred to me today. We have a feature that allows not
specifying a search base and instead auto-detecting it from the LDAP
server's RootDSE (using the namingContexts and defaultNamingContext

In most cases, the namingContext is a single value which is not
interesting. However, there are some deployments for which there are
multiple namingContexts attributes. For these, our current approach is
to check whether there already exists a defaultNamingContext attribute.
If so, we use that instead.

Now that we're adding multiple search bases, it's worth discussing
whether - if we're auto-detecting the search base - we should be using
ALL of the namingContexts.

So I see two possible approaches:

1) We continue to behave as we do now, allowing only the
defaultNamingContext (or if that's not available, only selecting a
namingContext if there is exactly one). This is obviously the simplest
answer. We can then instruct users to explicitly configure additional
search bases.

2) We can use all of the namingContext values in the order they're
returned from LDAP (making sure that defaultNamingContext is always the
first in the list if it is available).

I'm inclined to just implement 1) at this time and revisit this if
customers complain.

+1 on 1)
Open a separate ticket for 2) and put into deferred for now.

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Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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