On 04/25/2014 08:18 AM, Pavel Březina wrote:
attached is a CIM schema for SSSD provider. This schema was acked by OpenLMI developers.

The first version of OpenLMI provider will provider methods to enable/disable SSSD components and basic information about domains.

I hope I don't have to explain the MOF language to developers so I will just say that association classes models relationships between other entities. Feel free to ask me anything if needed.

sssd-devel mailing list

If I get it right the CIMOM is pretty config file centric. I mean that it tries to create model around the config file and expose its concepts. I do not think this is the right level of abstraction - it is very developer centric.
What I had in mind is a more high level abstraction:

* List domains
* For each domain get info, or set info. The get will return the details about the domain. The set will allow to set the type of the domain: AD, IPA, LDAP, LDAP+Kerberos using defaults as much as possible. Set would also allow turning debugging and enumeration on and off.
* One of the biggest values would be to add secondary domains
* Another important aspect is turning on and off the sudo, ssh, automount and SELinux integration.

Right now the model seems to be low level and sort of goes from ground up. I would argue that model should expose high level concepts and operations and then be extended to more fine grained operations and object as we need them.     
Admin does not care about responders or providers.
Admin cares about the fact that machine is enrolled with a particular domains. Tweaking low level concepts would be out of scope of the initial effort.

Would have been nice to see the object diagram and discuss it in advance.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.