On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Frederick Grose <fgrose@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 6:12 AM, Jørn Loamx <northlomax@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm one of Fedoras Google Summer of Code students. I have been tasked in helping to develop an Audio spin of fedora. I just wanted to Let you know a little about the project so that you have a heads up and so you know what's on the horizon :D

The audio spin is a spin that is geared for music production, and is aimed at the music community. We are aiming for high usability so that if someone who just makes a podcast once a week and doesn't necessarily know who to configure JACK can use it with ease, but at the same time it will include software that will allow bigger music productions.
The spin itself does not have a wiki page, but I will be making one in the next couple of days with schedules, todos, roadmaps etc. but you can see a brief overview at the audio_creation_spin_development page[1]

I'm pushing to have the kickstart file ready by June 1st, I'm hoping this is a good date, as I based it on the schedule for Fedora 16 and I have no idea what the schedule for fedora 18 is

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to take contact

[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Audio_creation_spin_development
Jørn Lomax
GSoC Fedora Audio
CS Student University of Tromsø

For the Music Scholars section you might consider the Tam Tam suite,

It includes Csound,

One would have to include and switch to the Sugar Desktop,
in order to use the current versions of Tam Tam.

Actually, sugar-emulator allows one to run Sugar in a GNOME window, so switching would not be needed.

But, unfortunately, bugs are preventing sound emissions from Tam Tam for Sugar in a window or in the Sugar Desktop.  (Development has focused on the XO laptop up to now.)
