On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Bruno Wolff III <bruno@wolff.to> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 07:46:02 -0500,
 "danishka@gmail.com" <danishka@gmail.com> wrote:
> i was trying to add latest skype rpm ( for a fedora remix.
> but the build was failed with following error.
> Btw, I can install the same package to installed system.

The package needs to be in a local repo that livecd-creator will have access
to. Typically to do this you create a repo directory, put your rpm files
in it, run createrepo on the directory and add a repo entry in your
kickstart file point to the local repo with a file: url.

yes, tested with local repo as well.
the same issue was happened to kompozer RPM as well.

Danishka Navin