First off, I'd like to thank all involved with the Fedora/Sparc project for your ideas and input
on getting a successful install with the Core 12 Sparc distro. I found that tampering with the
partitioning at all is a 'bad thing', and succeeded with a stock install using a combination of
ttyS0 and VNC. Incidentally, on the 280R, console=ttyS0 will also cause the install to hang if it is
included in the boot script, so everything past the initial OBP boot to the cdrom needs to be
performed in VNC. I also had to re-initialize the FC-AL drives to get a successful installation
after 2 tries in the text mode.

After re-booting and doing some updates, I'm still getting some dependency failures on some
packages I try to install, but it may be related to not pointing to the right repos. If someone can
point me the right direction on that, I would appreciate it.

The only outstanding problem I have at the moment is that Gnome in VNC has a recurring loop
that is trying to open Nautilus (i.e. 100+ icons in the taskbar and growing). I tried killing the
process, but to no avail. It keeps retrying indefinitely. Is there some way I can clear the session
cache *before* I start the vncserver service to try to clear this? Thanks! (I do have Midnight
Commander installed and have SSH access to perform any necessary command line stuff.)

Dave Land
Land Computer Service

Machine: Sunfire 280R UltraSparc IIIcu 1200mhz. 8GB. 2 x 73GB. FC-AL drives. No framebuffer.

Dev. Site: (just a temp page till I get some content worked up.) ;)
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