Hi Huiren,

If you can pass me Clady’s contact details offlist, I can pick up the banners ahead of the 28th. 


On Sun, 25 Mar 2018 at 4:12 PM, <giantcrabby@gmail.com> wrote:
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Hi everyone,

After some planning, below are the confirmed details for the event.
This event has been emailed to a few mailing lists and also posted on
meetup.com [0]. If you have any comments, feedback or suggestions,
please feel free to let me know.

We have an interesting speaker - Kai Hendry. His views might differ
from what Document Freedom Day is about but I think all opinions are
welcomed to allow us to freely discuss about libre document formats.

I'll be collecting the DFD cake around 3-4pm and Fedora banners from
Clady Kiong a little later at 4-5pm. Might be a little troublesome for
me to do it alone. Still thinking of ways to make it as efficient as
possible, any suggestions?

Below is the event information of Document Freedom Day.

Document Freedom Day is about celebrating libre document formats like
ODF! Ever year, we come together to discussing and learning more about
libre document formats. Libre document formats help to get rid of
restrictions and vendor lock-ins of proprietary software vendors.

We'll have our traditional libre document cake. Everyone is free to
attend, even if you don't use Fedora!

We'll be having discussions of libre document formats - history and
present, comparison of ODF and OOXML, comparison of ODF and HTML.

We're currently looking out for speakers. Please contact me via email
giantcrabby [at] gmail [dot] com!


1900 to 1920: The state of libre document formats - Huiren

2000 to 2020: Making a case for HTML / Web technologies over ODF - Kai

[0] - https://www.meetup.com/Fedora-in-Singapore/events/247508594/
