OK, since our last meeting, the Fedora Council came back and requested that Fedora Server should ship a modular release of Fedora 27 and that the Council is comfortable with offering us an additional month to do this.
Langdon has prepared a proposed schedule[1] on the FESCo ticket[2] for Modular Server.
I see the following issues we need to discuss and vote on for this meeting:
1) Will we release a modular Fedora Server Edition in the F27 release? 2) Will we still attempt to release traditional Fedora Server media, and on what schedule? Or will we simply rely on the Everything media to handle updates from F26 and provide no fresh install media for non-modular installs?
We also have a design ticket[3] for a new modular server icon. We as the Server SIG should weigh in on the proposed designs and/or make new suggestions.
Lastly, Matthew (speaking for the Council) asked that we revise our proposed governance changes from last week and change the term "shed-painters" back to "WG members", simply to retain uniformity with how the other groups are working. We don't need to discuss this in the meeting.
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Langdon/Proposed_Modular_Server_Release#... [2] https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1775 [3] https://pagure.io/design/issue/545