========================================== #fedora-meeting-1: Server SIG (2017-09-12) ==========================================
Meeting started by sgallagh at 20:00:47 UTC. The full logs are available athttps://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2017-09-12/serversig.2017... .
Meeting summary - --------------- * init process (sgallagh, 20:00:47)
* Release-Blocking Media (sgallagh, 20:03:23) * AGREED: Server Edition will ship the traditional install media as release-blocking in Fedora 27. A modular edition will be produced as well and shipped as a non-blocking preview. (sgallagh, 20:46:56)
* Testing F27 Server Edition (sgallagh, 20:47:27) * Please help test F27 server today/tomorrow so we can get a clear picture for Go/No-Go on Thursday (sgallagh, 20:51:19)
* Voting Membership (sgallagh, 20:51:33) * AGREED: Anyone who attends a meeting has a vote during that meeting. Meetings may only be held when at least three "shed-painters" are present. There is no set number of shed-painters. They may add a new member by proposing a candidate who must get three +1 votes and zero -1 votes from existing shed-painters within a two-week period. (sgallagh, 21:17:05) * ACTION: sgallagh to update the governance documents (sgallagh, 21:17:16)
* Open Floor (sgallagh, 21:17:58)
Meeting ended at 21:19:18 UTC.
Action Items - ------------ * sgallagh to update the governance documents
Action Items, by person - ----------------------- * sgallagh * sgallagh to update the governance documents * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) - --------------------------- * sgallagh (118) * langdon (76) * dperpeet (45) * smooge (28) * vvaldez (24) * jds2001 (24) * nirik (18) * zodbot (11) * mjwolf (2)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot