Yes, please do.
Hello Stephen,
Stephen Gallagher [2018-06-01 6:15 -0400]:
> > * Drop the Fedora Server specific /etc/issue
> > * Land to provide a
> > dynamic issue.d/ replacement for the above
Done in 170 (
> > * Add pam_motd to /etc/pam.d/sshd
> Yes, this sounds like the best approach to me. No one else seems to be
> chiming in to disagree, so let’s move ahead with this. I’ll send a PR for
> F28 and F29 to drop the /etc/issue from Server on fedora-release shortly. I
> assume you will bring the issue.d change back to F28’s Cockpit?
No further replies, so I think we should go ahead with this plan. Do you want
me to file bugzillas for dropping /etc/issue and adding pam_motd?