time flies by. And it's time again for the changeover to summer time. Unfortunately, we did not discuss at the last meeting how we would deal with the different times of the changeover this year. And I missed putting this on the mailing list in good time.
I therefore propose that we proceed in the same way this month as we did last time. We will now switch to UTC-1, so that the local time for our US members will not change and we Europeans will have to "go" one hour earlier this Wednesday.
If someone has another suggestion, we could decide something else up to 16:00 UTC today. As usual, I will take a no-declaration as an agreement.
Another question is to move our meeting generally. Let's discuss this separately from the current changeover so as not to confuse things.
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
# F40 Blocker Review meeting
# Date: 2024-03-18
# Time: ** 16:00 ** UTC
# Location:[element.…
Hi folks! It's time for another blocker review meeting. We have 1
proposed freeze exception for Beta, and 10 proposed blockers for Final.
As a reminder, clocks went forward in North America last week, so the
meeting is an hour earlier in UTC than it was before. If you have
changed your clocks forward recently the meeting will be at the same
local time as before, it not it will be earlier.
Here is a handy link which should show you the meeting time
in your local time:…
The meeting will be on Matrix. Click the link above to join in a web
client - you can authenticate with your FAS account - or use a
dedicated client of your choosing.
If you have time today, you can take a look at the proposed or
accepted blockers before the meeting - the full lists can be found
here: .
Remember, you can also now vote on bugs outside of review meetings! If
you look at the bug list in the blockerbugs app, you'll see links
labeled "Vote!" next to all proposed blockers and freeze exceptions.
Those links take you to tickets where you can vote. has instructions on how
exactly you do it. We usually go through the tickets shortly before the
meeting and apply any clear votes, so the meeting will just cover bugs
where there wasn't a clear outcome in the ticket voting yet. **THIS
We'll be evaluating these bugs to see if they violate any of the
Release Criteria and warrant the blocking of a release if they're not
fixed. Information on the release criteria for F40 can be found on the
wiki [0].
For more information about the Blocker and Freeze exception process,
check out these links:
And for those of you who are curious how a Blocker Review Meeting
works - or how it's supposed to go and you want to run one - check out
the SOP on the wiki:
Have a good day and see you tomorrow!
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: | Mastodon:
# F40 Blocker Review meeting
# Date: 2024-03-11
# Time: ** 16:00 ** UTC
# Location:[element.…
Hi folks! It's time for another blocker review meeting. We have 2
proposed blockers and 5 proposed freeze exceptions for Beta, and 4
proposed blockers for Final.
Please note that summer time starts in most of North America on Sunday,
and we follow that time for these meetings, so the meeting time in UTC
has changed. If you put your clocks forward this Sunday, the meeting
will be at the same local time as it was last week. If you do not, the
meeting will be one hour *earlier* than it was last week. You can
always run `date -u` to see the current UTC time and check, if you're
not sure. Here is a handy link which should show you the meeting time
in your local time:…
The meeting will be on Matrix. Click the link above to join in a web
client - you can authenticate with your FAS account - or use a
dedicated client of your choosing.
If you have time this weekend, you can take a look at the proposed or
accepted blockers before the meeting - the full lists can be found
here: .
Remember, you can also now vote on bugs outside of review meetings! If
you look at the bug list in the blockerbugs app, you'll see links
labeled "Vote!" next to all proposed blockers and freeze exceptions.
Those links take you to tickets where you can vote. has instructions on how
exactly you do it. We usually go through the tickets shortly before the
meeting and apply any clear votes, so the meeting will just cover bugs
where there wasn't a clear outcome in the ticket voting yet. **THIS
We'll be evaluating these bugs to see if they violate any of the
Release Criteria and warrant the blocking of a release if they're not
fixed. Information on the release criteria for F40 can be found on the
wiki [0].
For more information about the Blocker and Freeze exception process,
check out these links:
And for those of you who are curious how a Blocker Review Meeting
works - or how it's supposed to go and you want to run one - check out
the SOP on the wiki:
Have a good weekend and see you on Monday!
Adam Williamson (he/him/his)
Fedora QA
Fedora Chat: | Mastodon:
The upcoming meeting will be held on
Fedora Server MATRIX meeting Wednesday, Mar 06 18:00 ==UTC==[]=cha…
Please, check your local time using date -d '2024-03-06 18:00UTC'
Unfortunately, I'm "a bit" late. Sorry for this.
As a reminder
We decided to continue our meetings on MATRIX!
Unfortunately I could manage to adjust the link in the automated reminder in time. So the link to IRC there is WRONG!
The above link lets you choose which app to use: web browser, elements, and a lot of others, including some CLI tools, and redirects you to the meeting romm.
If you don't have a Matrix account yet, the easiest way is to start at Using the option Create Account this page guides you perfectly through the required steps.
It you already use Matrix, you may have to add Fedora-meeting to your to your rooms list. Select Fedora space in the left most column in element oder web browser (not the Fedora room in the adjacent column). In the main opens a quite long list of Fedora rooms, but most importent a search field, where you can look for 'meeting'.
==== Agenda ====
To be able to discuss all topics on the agenda and to prevent us from repeatedly putting off topics that have not been dealt with, we should set time limits for the individual items on the agenda. If we need more time, we should continue on the mailing list.
=== 1. Follow up actions and announcements ===
=== 2. Review installation media ===
Current "state of affairs"
=== 3. LVM2 default configuration change
Current "state of affairs"
=== 4. F40 Change Set items requiring our attention ===
see mail from eseyman from beginning this week
=== 5. Testing F40 ===
We need to discuss
- the current state of tests
- How to continue moving away from hackmd
=== 6. Our "story" for F40
This includes a Server entry to the Release Notes!
=== 7. Open Floor
For any additions or changes, please reply to this email.
For an overview about current tasks look at:
===== Pending topics for the next meetings =====
=== Revisiting Fedora Server release criteria
=== Using Ansible to install and configure Wildfly
=== F39 Work Project: Fedora Server on (ARM) SBC
=== Revisiting Server installation media naming convention
=== Work program and goals for F40/41 ===
Previous discussion: Fedora Server goal(s) for F39
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
Pwhalen has provided a fix for the arm-image-installer issue. The fix also contains a correction of the LVM devices file.
See Bug:
Feedback at
I tested it here with one of my ARM devices and a Fedora 39 Server installation and it works perfectly now again.
Would be helpful if someone else would test it, too, and provide feedback.
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast
The upcoming meeting will be held on
Fedora Server MATRIX meeting Wednesday, Feb 21 18:00 ==UTC==[]=cha…
Please, check your local time using date -d '2024-02-21 18:00UTC'
As a reminder
We decided to continue our meetings on MATRIX!
Unfortunately I couldn't manage to adjust the link in the automated reminder in time. So the link to IRC there is WRONG!
The above link lets you choose which app to use: web browser, elements, and a lot of others, including some CLI tools, and redirects you to the meeting romm.
If you don't have a Matrix account yet, the easiest way is to start at Using the option Create Account this page guides you perfectly through the required steps.
It you already use Matrix, you may have to add Fedora-meeting to your to your rooms list. Select Fedora space in the left most column in element oder web browser (not the Fedora room in the adjacent column). In the main opens a quite long list of Fedora rooms, but most importent a search field, where you can look for 'meeting'.
==== Agenda ====
To be able to discuss all topics on the agenda and to prevent us from repeatedly putting off topics that have not been dealt with, we should set time limits for the individual items on the agenda. If we need more time, we should continue on the mailing list.
=== 1. Follow up actions and announcements ===
=== 2. LVM2 default configuration change
=== 3. Testing F40 ===
We need to discuss
- the current state of tests
- evaluation of the change set regarding Server
- How to continue moving away from hackmd
=== Revisiting Server installation media naming convention
=== 4. Our "story" for F40
This includes a Server entry to the Release Notes!
=== 5. Work program and goals for F40/41 ===
Previous discussion: Fedora Server goal(s) for F39
=== 7. Open Floor
For any additions or changes, please reply to this email.
For an overview about current tasks look at:
===== Pending topics for the next meetings =====
=== Revisiting Fedora Server release criteria
=== Using Ansible to install and configure Wildfly
=== Review installation media
=== F39 Work Project: Fedora Server on (ARM) SBC
Peter Boy
Timezone: CET (UTC+1) / CEST (UTC+2)
Fedora Server Edition Working Group member
Fedora Docs team contributor and board member
Java developer and enthusiast