On 02/09/2012 02:52 AM, Nabeel Moidu wrote:

Is there a tomcat implementation of selinux where the process runs in its own domain rather than unconfined_java_t ?

Are there any known issues with implementing java servers in a confined domain ?

If not tomcat, can somebody point me to any other java server (jetty/websphere etc) with a selinux implementation ?

Thanks and Regards,
What OS?

tomcat should be running as initrc_t on RHEL6. We probably need this also in Fedora. Basically this new domain would end up as unconfined domain, but you can start with writing policy using sepolgen tools.

$ sepolgen -t 0 /usr/bin/tomcat
$ sh tomcat.sh

You probably will need to add


to the tomcat.te policy file. Let me look at it also.

Nabeel Moidu
Hyderabad, India

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