Summary of changes:
6eae54b... new release (Resolves: #1034263); use inline sed instead of (*)
f3488dc... new sources (*)
af5b8bd... patch cleanup/removal (*)
34d18d0... hdrcnt patch removed (*)
c74eb40... remove testcert patch (*)
fdc9eec... remove pophash patch (*)
a3b0d12... remove notation patch (*)
360591c... remove writehead patch (*)
93464d2... remove tmpdir patch (*)
4243f47... patches removed: verpeers, tlsv1v2; patch adjusted: manhelp (*)
5d40f74... minor - fix improper manhelp patch naming (*)
42343ed... temporarily remove manhelp patch (the doc should be generat (*)
46d167b... Resolves: #1034263 (new version due to CVE) (*)
(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent