I am not able download the Fedora 19 Scientific KDE ISO images from the following site.
http://spins.fedoraproject.org/scientific-kde/#downloads http://fedora-alt.c3sl.ufpr.br/releases/19/Spins/i386/Fedora-Live-Scientific... - Not reachable
Please let me know if the ISO image is yet to be created or point me to the fedora mirror site where the scientific KDE spin is available.
Regards, Sudeep
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----- Original Message -----
From: "sudeep shetty" sudeep.shetty@wipro.com To: scitech@lists.fedoraproject.org Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 8:25:37 PM Subject: [Scitech] Fedora 19 Scientific ISO image unenviable
I am not able download the Fedora 19 Scientific KDE ISO images from the following site.
http://spins.fedoraproject.org/scientific-kde/#downloads http://fedora-alt.c3sl.ufpr.br/releases/19/Spins/i386/Fedora-Live-Scientific...
- Not reachable
Please let me know if the ISO image is yet to be created or point me to the fedora mirror site where the scientific KDE spin is available.
Unfortunately, the Fedora Scientific 19 release did not happen. However, there are two options you can try to get Fedora 19 Scientific:
1. http://echorand.me/2013/07/04/upgrading-fedora-18-scientific-to-fedora-19-sc... 2. http://echorand.me/2013/07/04/creating-a-fedora-19-scientific-iso/
However, Fedora 20 and hence the Scientific Spin are in development now: http://echorand.me/2013/09/07/fedora-scientific-spin-update/
Best, Amit.
Regards, Sudeep
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