I'm starting to build packages and all dependencies for an updated hdf5/netcdf/octave stack in a side tag. Please use:
fedpkg build --target=f35-build-side-44365
to build dependent packages until the side tag is merged back.
Dependent packages include:
HDF5: alembic armadillo avogadro2-libs bes bout++ cgnslib CheMPS2 dolfin espresso Field3D freefem++ gdal gdl grads h5py InsightToolkit jhdf5 LabPlot lammps libminc mathgl matio med moose ncl netcdf octave opencv OpenImageIO openms paraview petsc python-tables R-Rsolid slurm vigra vips votca-csg votca-xtp vtk
NetCDF: GMT R dx eccodes exodusii genesis-simulator grace grass grib_api nco ncview netcdf-cxx netcdf-fortran netcdf-perl netcdf4-python pymol qgis wgrib2
OCTAVE: COPASI GeographicLib mathgl NLopt octave-communications octave-control octave-dicom octave-doctest octave-general octave-gsl octave-image octave-interval octave-io octave-jsonlab octave-metch octave-miscellaneous octave-ncarray octave-netcdf octave-odepkg octave-optim octave-parallel octave-quaternion octave-signal octave-specfun octave-statistics octave-struct octave-symbolic pfstools plplot swig vfrnav
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
On 8/9/21 7:35 PM, devel@lists.fedoraproject.org wrote:
I'm starting to build packages and all dependencies for an updated hdf5/netcdf/octave stack in a side tag.
I've just submitted the updates for F35 and F36. There are a few packages have failed to build (mainly due to arm or other package issues - not many due to these updates it seems) and I'll be working on them and/or filing bugs for them shortly.
Hi Orion,
On Sun, Aug 15, 2021 at 8:17 PM Orion Poplawski orion@nwra.com wrote:
I've just submitted the updates for F35 and F36. There are a few packages have failed to build (mainly due to arm or other package issues
- not many due to these updates it seems) and I'll be working on them
and/or filing bugs for them shortly.
I've got a fix for mpsolve ready to go, but while the F35 update has gone through, the F36 update does not seem to have done so. The octave-6.3.0-1.fc36 package still has tag f36-build-side-44464:
Is the side tag just taking a really long time to merge?