For those tracking such things, the SSG project has had dependency on EPEL versions of OpenSCAP tooling. The choice was made to develop against the EPEL version of OpenSCAP as it contained needed OVAL and XCCDF resolve capabilities that were not yet in RHEL6. We planned (err... crossed our fingers) that we'd be finishing up the SSG STIG work approximately at the same time that RHEL6 rebases OpenSCAP, which would be the approximate time DISA releases the Public and Final drafts....
.... And the stars aligned :)
RHEL 6.4 has just been released, which rebased to openscap-0.9.3-1. This means both users and developers should have all the SCAP toolchain components you need provided directly in RHEL6 . No more EPEL.
I was able to run a scan, generate the findings report, and create the remediation scripts this morning. Everything appears working. Let the mailing list know if you see anything in your own testing.