I intend to do a lot of editing. Is there a style guide?
It would help to have a uniform choice of line lengths, indent size, etc. Or maybe no need in most places.
I use <oXygen/> XML Editor where a single click formats and indents a document.
Aside from line length, there's also attribute formatting, white space preservation, empty line preservation, etc.
It does a pretty good job of detecting and preserving such characteristics, but I'm unsure what's been chosen, if anything.
I prefer a 4-character indent to a two-character one.
Line length of about 140 seems reasonable. Some people go all-out and choose 1000 or more, but that means a lot of horizontal scrolling just to make diffs tidier. Less than 140 is a bit cramped.
For many documents, they'll ultimately be transformed, so perhaps there should be a style for fragments as well as a different one for final output. Again, this really only affects diff output, so I'd prefer minimal style constraints over B&D ones, at least for fragments.
I'm sure there will be doctrinal discussions over white space line breaks and such (white-space:(normal|pre|nowrap|pre-wrap|pre-line) stuff).
It would help as well to deliberately choose either an .xslt or .xsl file name suffix convention. Either is fine with me.