Hello Everyone,
Let me express heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has contributed to OpenSCAP ecosystem successes during the year.
Following list is the feature highlights from 2015. The list of people who had contributed, however, would be at least 4 times longer.
* The new portal www.open-scap.org has been put online with respectable load of documentation * Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 Installer was integrated with OpenSCAP, allowing users to remediate system before the first boot * Red Hat Satellite 6.1 was integrated with OpenSCAP, allowing users to scan whole infrastructure by mouse click * Red Hat Insights offering leveraged OpenSCAP tool, allowing customers to easily notice vulnerabilities on their systems * The initial OpenSCAP support has been added into ManageIQ project * The `atomic scan` command has introduced as a short-cut to audit containers * openscap-daemon upstream project has started * The community started to focus on Debian support * 8 upstream releases of scap-security-guide project, the hightlights include * PCI-DSS profiles has been introduced and finalized for Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 6 and 7 * U.S. Government Commercial Cloud Services (C2S) has been profile introduced for Red HAt Enterprise Linux 7 * NIAP OSPP v4 profile has been introduced for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 * USGCB profile for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 has been finalized and it is ready for review at NIST * CNSS No. 1253 profile has been introduced for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 * The initial profile has been introduced for Debian 8 (Jessie) * An upstream STIG guidance has been introduced for applications like: JRE, Firefox, and Chromium and OpenStack (RHEL-0SP-7) * 7 upstream releases of scap-workbench bringing MS Windows and MacOS X support * 8 upstream releases of openscap, highlights include: * vastly improved HTML reports and introduced verbosity mode * oscap-docker tool for assessing containers and images * oscap-vm tool for assessing cold virtual machines * oscap-ssh tool for assessing remote systems * OVAL 5.11 and 5.11.1 support * jenkins bot joined openscap team on github to all projects * and hundreds of other feature and bug fixing patches landed in
On behalf of whole team, I wish you merry Christmas and successful year 2016. Please accept the attached card as a small gift.
Audit, Fix, And Be Merry! ~š.