I am new to SCAP and trying to determine how to modify a rule. I have downloaded the source code and have located an OVAL test I would like to change to suite my purposes. The file is selinux_policytype.xml. I have chosen this file because I am trying to make the SELinux enforcement rule pass for an MLS enforcement rather than targeted. My questions are as follows:
The OVAL document references an object, test, state and variable but does not define them (as far as I can tell) within the OVAL file. Rather, it appears to be calling them from somewhere else.
In particular I am referring to these lines.
13 test_ref = "test_selinux_policy"
21 object object_ref = obj_selinux_policy
22 state state_ref = state_selinux_policy
Finally I think this is the variable I am going to need to change.
var_ref = var_selinux_policy_name
My question are:
1) where are these objects defined, and if it is possible how can I modify them?
2) Other than the OVAL website are there any other resources anyone can recommend that can help me learn this material?
On 8/5/13 4:24 PM, Kordell, Luke T wrote:
I am new to SCAP and trying to determine how to modify a rule. I have downloaded the source code and have located an OVAL test I would like to change to suite my purposes. The file is selinux_policytype.xml. I have chosen this file because I am trying to make the SELinux enforcement rule pass for an MLS enforcement rather than targeted. My questions are as follows: The OVAL document references an object, test, state and variable but does not define them (as far as I can tell) within the OVAL file. Rather, it appears to be calling them from somewhere else.
In particular I am referring to these lines.
13 test_ref = "test_selinux_policy"
21 object object_ref = obj_selinux_policy
22 state state_ref = state_selinux_policy
Sooo...... yeaahh. OVAL can be a hot mess. Welcome to the project though!
The first part of the OVAL check is the <definition>, giving various metadata fields such as the OVAL ID name, affected platforms, etc. Of note you'll see the <criteria> tag, which defines "what rule must be ran for this OVAL id?"
| <definition class="compliance" id="selinux_policytype" version="1"> <metadata> <title>Enable SELinux</title> <affected family="unix"> <platform>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6</platform> </affected> <description>The SELinux policy should be set appropriately.</description> </metadata>
</criteria>* </definition>|<criteria> <criterion test_ref="test_selinux_policy" />
The actual test, "test_selinux_policy," calls out an object to perform a command upon ("obj_selinux_policy") and the state/value of which it should be set to ("state_selinux_policy"):
| <ind:textfilecontent54_test check="all" check_existence="all_exist" comment="Tests the value of the ^[\s]*SELINUXTYPE[\s]*=[\s]*([^#]*) expression in the /etc/selinux/config file" id="test_selinux_policy" version="1"> *<ind:object object_ref="obj_selinux_policy" /> <ind:state state_ref="state_selinux_policy" />* </ind:textfilecontent54_test>|
|| The obj_selinux_policy is a regex pattern against /etc/selinux/config:
| <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="obj_selinux_policy" version="1"> ind:path/etc/selinux</ind:path> ind:filenameconfig</ind:filename> <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^[\s]*SELINUXTYPE[\s]*=[\s]*([^#\s]*)</ind:pattern> <ind:instance datatype="int">1</ind:instance> </ind:textfilecontent54_object>|
And that pattern must match the value of state_selinux_policy:
| <ind:textfilecontent54_state id="state_selinux_policy" version="1"> <ind:subexpression operation="equals" var_check="all" var_ref="var_selinux_policy_name" /> </ind:textfilecontent54_state> |
As you can see, that state calls out a var_ref of "var_selinux_policy_name" which leads us to your questions:
Finally I think this is the variable I am going to need to change.
var_ref = var_selinux_policy_name
My question are:
- where are these objects defined, and if it is possible how can I modify them?
Because each baseline (STIG, FISMA, etc) may have different requirements of SELinux, those variable definitions are found within XCCDF profiles, such as "CS2" and "stig-rhel6-server." For example, within the common profile (which is inherited by the STIG) you'll find the lines:
|<!-- SELinux state --> <refine-value idref="var_selinux_policy_name" selector="targeted"/>|
|(ref line 262/263: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/scap-security-guide.git/tree/RHEL6/input/p...)
| In your case, you'd want to change "targeted" to "mls"
- Other than the OVAL website are there any other resources anyone can recommend that can help me learn this material?
The OVAL specification is online here: https://oval.mitre.org/language/version5.10.1/
Personally, I had to jump in and ask a bunch of questions. And get a ton of patches nacked for silly mistakes (.... and of course I no longer make *any* mistakes...). We've started on a "into to SSG" workbook, which you can find on the wiki page: https://fedorahosted.org/scap-security-guide/
The workbook mostly focuses on your first scan, and very basic familiarity with the code. It'd be great to receive patches to the workbook, or just ideas on how to make it better! SCAP content authoring is still fairly new... if you do find good resources, please share URLs and perhaps we can create a "getting started with SCAP" link list off the wiki.
Thank you for your help. I think the links you've included will be very useful as I become more involved with SCAP. I also realize I will need to become more familiar with XML but that's an ongoing process I am doing on the side. I do have two more questions for you that should help me understand what is going on in the oval file. The first is what is the significance of "ind:" I tried looking into this myself and could not find an answer. The second has to do with the textfilecontent54_state and object items. What are these? To me it looks like they are variables being set to the previously defined object and state variables. I'm sure most of my questions spawn from my lack of familiarity with the syntax, but I think the documentation you included in your previous email should help with that!
Again, thank you for taking time to help a newbie!
Luke ________________________________________ From: scap-security-guide-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org [scap-security-guide-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org] on behalf of Shawn Wells [shawn@redhat.com] Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 3:26 PM To: scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: MLS question from a new user
On 8/5/13 4:24 PM, Kordell, Luke T wrote:
I am new to SCAP and trying to determine how to modify a rule. I have downloaded the source code and have located an OVAL test I would like to change to suite my purposes. The file is selinux_policytype.xml. I have chosen this file because I am trying to make the SELinux enforcement rule pass for an MLS enforcement rather than targeted. My questions are as follows:
The OVAL document references an object, test, state and variable but does not define them (as far as I can tell) within the OVAL file. Rather, it appears to be calling them from somewhere else.
In particular I am referring to these lines.
13 test_ref = "test_selinux_policy"
21 object object_ref = obj_selinux_policy
22 state state_ref = state_selinux_policy
Sooo...... yeaahh. OVAL can be a hot mess. Welcome to the project though!
The first part of the OVAL check is the <definition>, giving various metadata fields such as the OVAL ID name, affected platforms, etc. Of note you'll see the <criteria> tag, which defines "what rule must be ran for this OVAL id?"
<definition class="compliance" id="selinux_policytype" version="1"> <metadata> <title>Enable SELinux</title> <affected family="unix"> <platform>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6</platform> </affected> <description>The SELinux policy should be set appropriately.</description> </metadata> <criteria> <criterion test_ref="test_selinux_policy" /> </criteria> </definition>
The actual test, "test_selinux_policy," calls out an object to perform a command upon ("obj_selinux_policy") and the state/value of which it should be set to ("state_selinux_policy"):
<ind:textfilecontent54_test check="all" check_existence="all_exist" comment="Tests the value of the ^[\s]*SELINUXTYPE[\s]*=[\s]*([^#]*) expression in the /etc/selinux/config file" id="test_selinux_policy" version="1"> <ind:object object_ref="obj_selinux_policy" /> <ind:state state_ref="state_selinux_policy" /> </ind:textfilecontent54_test>
The obj_selinux_policy is a regex pattern against /etc/selinux/config:
<ind:textfilecontent54_object id="obj_selinux_policy" version="1"> ind:path/etc/selinux</ind:path> ind:filenameconfig</ind:filename> <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^[\s]*SELINUXTYPE[\s]*=[\s]*([^#\s]*)</ind:pattern> <ind:instance datatype="int">1</ind:instance> </ind:textfilecontent54_object>
And that pattern must match the value of state_selinux_policy:
<ind:textfilecontent54_state id="state_selinux_policy" version="1"> <ind:subexpression operation="equals" var_check="all" var_ref="var_selinux_policy_name" /> </ind:textfilecontent54_state>
As you can see, that state calls out a var_ref of "var_selinux_policy_name" which leads us to your questions:
Finally I think this is the variable I am going to need to change.
var_ref = var_selinux_policy_name
My question are:
1) where are these objects defined, and if it is possible how can I modify them?
Because each baseline (STIG, FISMA, etc) may have different requirements of SELinux, those variable definitions are found within XCCDF profiles, such as "CS2" and "stig-rhel6-server." For example, within the common profile (which is inherited by the STIG) you'll find the lines:
<!-- SELinux state --> <refine-value idref="var_selinux_policy_name" selector="targeted"/>
(ref line 262/263: https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/scap-security-guide.git/tree/RHEL6/input/p...)
In your case, you'd want to change "targeted" to "mls"
2) Other than the OVAL website are there any other resources anyone can recommend that can help me learn this material?
The OVAL specification is online here: https://oval.mitre.org/language/version5.10.1/
Personally, I had to jump in and ask a bunch of questions. And get a ton of patches nacked for silly mistakes (.... and of course I no longer make *any* mistakes...). We've started on a "into to SSG" workbook, which you can find on the wiki page: https://fedorahosted.org/scap-security-guide/
The workbook mostly focuses on your first scan, and very basic familiarity with the code. It'd be great to receive patches to the workbook, or just ideas on how to make it better! SCAP content authoring is still fairly new... if you do find good resources, please share URLs and perhaps we can create a "getting started with SCAP" link list off the wiki.
On 8/5/13 6:02 PM, Kordell, Luke T wrote:
Thank you for your help. I think the links you've included will be very useful as I become more involved with SCAP. I also realize I will need to become more familiar with XML but that's an ongoing process I am doing on the side. I do have two more questions for you that should help me understand what is going on in the oval file. The first is what is the significance of "ind:" I tried looking into this myself and could not find an answer.
There are different components of the OVAL spec, one is called "independent" meaning there are independent of any piece of software (e.g. should work across RHEL, Cent, Ubuntu....).
In such cases, they're written in code as "ind:textfilecontent54_test"
The second has to do with the textfilecontent54_state and object items. What are these? To me it looks like they are variables being set to the previously defined object and state variables. I'm sure most of my questions spawn from my lack of familiarity with the syntax, but I think the documentation you included in your previous email should help with that!
You can review the relevant piece of the OVAL spec here: https://oval.mitre.org/language/version5.10.1/ovaldefinition/documentation/i...
Search for "textfilecontent54_test" and the pieces should come together, as each section identifies the child elements
Again, thank you for taking time to help a newbie!