RHEL-6, libxslt-1.1.26
Ok, so now when I try to make with fixes, the following errors happen:
Attribute nodes must be added before any child nodes to an element. runtime error: file transforms/xccdf-addfixes.xslt line 37 element copy
The patch is
[root@localhost transforms]# diff -wruN xccdf-addfixes.xslt.orig xccdf-addfixes.xslt --- xccdf-addfixes.xslt.orig 2013-02-01 14:40:40.580808238 -0600 +++ xccdf-addfixes.xslt 2013-02-01 14:35:31.607797643 -0600 @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ <xsl:template match="xccdf:Rule"> xsl:copy <!-- deal with the fact that oscap demands fixes stand only before checks --> - <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()[not(self::xccdf:check)]"/> + <xsl:copy-of select="@*" /> + <xsl:apply-templates select="node()[not(self::xccdf:check)]"/>
<xsl:variable name="rule_id" select="@id"/> <xsl:for-each select="$fixgroup/xccdf:fix">
And it works.
Nice way to end the week!
On 2/1/13 3:44 PM, Brian Millett wrote:
RHEL-6, libxslt-1.1.26
Ok, so now when I try to make with fixes, the following errors happen:
Attribute nodes must be added before any child nodes to an element. runtime error: file transforms/xccdf-addfixes.xslt line 37 element copy
The patch is
[root@localhost transforms]# diff -wruN xccdf-addfixes.xslt.orig xccdf-addfixes.xslt --- xccdf-addfixes.xslt.orig 2013-02-01 14:40:40.580808238 -0600 +++ xccdf-addfixes.xslt 2013-02-01 14:35:31.607797643 -0600 @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ <xsl:template match="xccdf:Rule"> xsl:copy <!-- deal with the fact that oscap demands fixes stand only before checks -->
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()[not(self::xccdf:check)]"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()[not(self::xccdf:check)]"/> <xsl:variable name="rule_id" select="@id"/> <xsl:for-each select="$fixgroup/xccdf:fix">
And it works.
Nice way to end the week!
Hmm, I think we're still missing something here. Here is everything I do when running a build with fixes.... can you outline where we differ?
On my system: $ cat /etc/redhat-release;rpm -qv openscap openscap-utils libxslt libxslt-python Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago) openscap-0.9.2-1.el6.x86_64 openscap-utils-0.9.2-1.el6.x86_64 libxslt-1.1.26-2.el6_3.1.x86_64 libxslt-python-1.1.26-2.el6_3.1.x86_64
Blow away my repo and reclone: $ rm -Rf scap-security-guide/ $ git clone ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/scap-security-guide.git
Run make: $ cd scap-security-guide/RHEL6/; make content (no errors)
Change the build process to include fixes in the XCCDF content by editing the Makefile: @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ xsltproc -o $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-ocil.xml $(TRANS)/xccdf-create-ocil.xslt $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml xmllint --format --output $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-ocil.xml $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-ocil.xml xsltproc -o $(OUT)/unlinked-ocilrefs-rhel6-xccdf.xml $(TRANS)/xccdf-ocilcheck2ref.xslt $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml -# xsltproc -stringparam fixes "../$(IN)/fixes/bash-ks.xml" -o $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml $(TRANS)/xccdf-addfixes.xslt $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml + xsltproc -stringparam fixes "../$(IN)/fixes/bash-ks.xml" -o $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml $(TRANS)/xccdf-addfixes.xslt $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml xmllint --format --output $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml
Rerun the build: $ make clean; make content .... xsltproc -stringparam fixes "../input/fixes/bash-ks.xml" -o output/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml transforms/xccdf-addfixes.xslt output/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml ...... (no errors)
Verify the fix content is within ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml: <Rule id="install_aide" severity="medium" selected="false"> ....... <fix system="urn:xccdf:fix:script:bash">yum install aide</fix>
Run a scan: oscap xccdf eval --profile stig-rhel6-server \ --results /tmp/stig-results.xml \ --report /tmp/stig-results.html \ --oval-results \ --cpe /var/www/html/scap-security-guide/RHEL6/output/ssg-rhel6-cpe-dictionary.xml \ /var/www/html/scap-security-guide/RHEL6/output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml ........... (no errors)
Double check /tmp/stig-results.xml to ensure it has the remediation script: <rule-result idref="install_aide" time="2013-02-01T16:51:03" severity="medium" weight="1.000000"> <result>pass</result> <ident system="http://cce.mitre.org">CCE-27024-9</ident> <fix xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" system="urn:xccdf:fix:script:bash">yum install aide</fix> <check system="http://oval.mitre.org/XMLSchema/oval-definitions-5"> <check-content-ref name="oval:ssg:def:1331" href="ssg-rhel6-oval.xml"/> </check> </rule-result>
Seems all is well. Where are you differing in your process?
On 2/1/13 11:32 PM, Shawn Wells wrote:
On 2/1/13 3:44 PM, Brian Millett wrote:
RHEL-6, libxslt-1.1.26
Ok, so now when I try to make with fixes, the following errors happen:
Attribute nodes must be added before any child nodes to an element. runtime error: file transforms/xccdf-addfixes.xslt line 37 element copy
The patch is
[root@localhost transforms]# diff -wruN xccdf-addfixes.xslt.orig xccdf-addfixes.xslt --- xccdf-addfixes.xslt.orig 2013-02-01 14:40:40.580808238 -0600 +++ xccdf-addfixes.xslt 2013-02-01 14:35:31.607797643 -0600 @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ <xsl:template match="xccdf:Rule"> xsl:copy <!-- deal with the fact that oscap demands fixes stand only before checks -->
<xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()[not(self::xccdf:check)]"/>
<xsl:copy-of select="@*" />
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()[not(self::xccdf:check)]"/> <xsl:variable name="rule_id" select="@id"/> <xsl:for-each select="$fixgroup/xccdf:fix">
And it works.
Nice way to end the week!
Hmm, I think we're still missing something here. Here is everything I do when running a build with fixes.... can you outline where we differ?
On my system: $ cat /etc/redhat-release;rpm -qv openscap openscap-utils libxslt libxslt-python Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago) openscap-0.9.2-1.el6.x86_64 openscap-utils-0.9.2-1.el6.x86_64 libxslt-1.1.26-2.el6_3.1.x86_64 libxslt-python-1.1.26-2.el6_3.1.x86_64
Blow away my repo and reclone: $ rm -Rf scap-security-guide/ $ git clone ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/scap-security-guide.git
Run make: $ cd scap-security-guide/RHEL6/; make content (no errors)
Change the build process to include fixes in the XCCDF content by editing the Makefile: @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ xsltproc -o $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-ocil.xml $(TRANS)/xccdf-create-ocil.xslt $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml xmllint --format --output $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-ocil.xml $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-ocil.xml xsltproc -o $(OUT)/unlinked-ocilrefs-rhel6-xccdf.xml $(TRANS)/xccdf-ocilcheck2ref.xslt $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml -# xsltproc -stringparam fixes "../$(IN)/fixes/bash-ks.xml" -o $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml $(TRANS)/xccdf-addfixes.xslt $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml
- xsltproc -stringparam fixes "../$(IN)/fixes/bash-ks.xml" -o
$(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml $(TRANS)/xccdf-addfixes.xslt $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml xmllint --format --output $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml $(OUT)/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml
Rerun the build: $ make clean; make content .... xsltproc -stringparam fixes "../input/fixes/bash-ks.xml" -o output/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml transforms/xccdf-addfixes.xslt output/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml ...... (no errors)
Verify the fix content is within ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml:
<Rule id="install_aide" severity="medium" selected="false"> ....... <fix system="urn:xccdf:fix:script:bash">yum install aide</fix>
Run a scan: oscap xccdf eval --profile stig-rhel6-server \ --results /tmp/stig-results.xml \ --report /tmp/stig-results.html \ --oval-results \ --cpe /var/www/html/scap-security-guide/RHEL6/output/ssg-rhel6-cpe-dictionary.xml \ /var/www/html/scap-security-guide/RHEL6/output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml ........... (no errors)
Double check /tmp/stig-results.xml to ensure it has the remediation script: <rule-result idref="install_aide" time="2013-02-01T16:51:03" severity="medium" weight="1.000000"> <result>pass</result> <ident system="http://cce.mitre.org">CCE-27024-9</ident> <fix xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" system="urn:xccdf:fix:script:bash">yum install aide</fix> <check system="http://oval.mitre.org/XMLSchema/oval-definitions-5"> <check-content-ref name="oval:ssg:def:1331" href="ssg-rhel6-oval.xml"/> </check> </rule-result>
Seems all is well. Where are you differing in your process?
FWIW, I'm having trouble converting these into an actual fix script. I've posted to the OpenSCAP mailing list and you can follow that thread here: https://www.redhat.com/archives/open-scap-list/2013-February/msg00000.html
On Fri, 01 Feb 2013 23:32:18 -0500 Shawn Wells shawn@redhat.com wrote:
$ git clone ssh://git.fedorahosted.org/git/scap-security-guide.git
The ONLY difference is that I do a
git clone http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/scap-security-guide.git scap-security-guide