While running SCC against the SSG 0.1-14-14 content, with the usgcb-rhel6-server profile selected from the SCAP stream, and rpm_verify_permissions = false, there appears to be another variable referenced in the OVAL file but are not declared in the XCCDF and the value is being used in XCCDF without being declared.
SCC errorlog:
[ERROR] Apparent content error.  Unable to find referenced state: 'oval:ssg:ste:1545.'
OVAL snippits:
/bin/grep "oval:ssg:ste:1545"  /opt/scc/Resources/Content/ssg-rhel6-oval.xml
      <linux:state state_ref="oval:ssg:ste:1545"/>
      <filter action="include">oval:ssg:ste:1545</filter>
    <linux:partition_state id="oval:ssg:ste:1545" version="1">
$ /bin/grep "1545" /opt/scc/Resources/Content/ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml
perhaps related is this integer comparison error "[ERROR] Collected item to be compared is not type 'int': hard for item" when run with the stig-rhel6-server profile selected from the SCAP stream.