On 9/26/13 1:16 PM, Kordell, Luke T wrote:

     I recently downloaded the SCAP source code and noticed there were some additional profiles listed in the profiles folder. How can I run a scan against these profiles?  For instance wen trying to run a scan against the usgcb-rhel6-server.xml (after successfully using oscap xccdf validate) I get an "unknown document type" error. I think this is because I'm using the stig profile and the ssg cpe dictionary. If so how can I add a usgcb profile and cpe dictionary to successfully scan against this profile? 

Thank you for the help. 
Good question!

There are a few profiles in the RHEL6/input/profiles/ directory which are still being completed, for example the FISMA, and a few which likely should be deleted (e.g. desktop).

To list out which profiles are compiled in:
$ grep "<Profile" output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml
  <Profile id="test">
  <Profile id="CS2">
  <Profile id="common">
  <Profile id="desktop">
  <Profile id="server">
  <Profile id="ftp">
  <Profile id="stig-rhel6-server">

Profile definitions from RHEL6/input/profiles/ are merged into the build process through the RHEL6/input/guide.xslt file:

Since you're cloning the source (which is great!), I'll wager you're comfortable editing things. If you'd like to check out the (in progress) USGCB, add a line where you see the other apply-templates:
<xsl:apply-templates select="document('profiles/usgcb-rhel6-server.xml')" />

From there, re-run 'make content' in the RHEL6 directory and you'll see an updated XCCDF in the output/ directory