I have found a reverse logic that works great! It translates the regex text back to actual text.


source ./templates/support.sh

populate login_banner_text


echo $login_banner_text | sed -e 's/\[\\s\\n\][+|*]/ /g' -e 's/\&/\&/g' -e 's/\\//g' -e 's/ - /\n- /g' >/etc/issue


Best regards,


Trey Henefield, CISSP

Senior IAVA Engineer


Ultra Electronics

Advanced Tactical Systems, Inc.

4101 Smith School Road

Building IV, Suite 100

Austin, TX 78744 USA



Tel: +1 512 327 6795 ext. 647

Fax: +1 512 327 8043

Mobile: +1 512 541 6450




From: scap-security-guide-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org [mailto:scap-security-guide-bounces@lists.fedorahosted.org] On Behalf Of Gallagher, Michael L
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 2:52 PM
To: scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org
Subject: SSG generate fix banner text



I have what’s hopefully a simple question.  Why does the banner text from the “oscap xccdf generate fix” output contain the string “[\s\n\]+” instead of spaces?  It’s unreadable on a terminal session.  It looks like someone is trying to use regular expression text to match either spaces or newlines between any words which is fine, but the same cannot be used as an input to /etc/issue since terminal programs don’t understand it.


Mike Gallagher, CISSP, CEH

Commercial Cyber Solutions



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