Hello Sohan,
the only means how to create or modify the content is to edit text files and submit pull requests.
I would recommend you the training that you can perform on your own environment, just needing a Fedora VM: https://github.com/RedHatDemos/SecurityDemos/blob/master/2021Labs/CustomSecurityContent/documentation/lab0_setup-devconf.adoc#04-setting-up-the-lab-environment-using-fedora-virtual-machine
Good luck,

On 02. 08. 21 6:54, Sohan Kshirsagar wrote:
Though In the Scap-Workbench documentation it is written that addition of new rules is not possible, I feel it should be possible to do so by manipulating the SSG content or the Data Stream files.

Please guide me if there is a way to do so. Also I will be obliged if you could send some guide so as to create new rules and checks.
My goal is to do a CIS audit in addition of some rules currently not in the Scap-workbench set of checks.

Thanks and Regards


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