On 1/2/14, 3:42 PM, ssg testing wrote:
[ERROR] Could not find external variable with id 'oval:ssg:var:2224'.

This matches up to GConf. Maura, want to take a stab?

[ERROR] Could not find external variable with id 'oval:ssg:var:2234'.

$ grep -rin "var\:2234"
output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml:7541:              <check-export export-name="oval:ssg:var:2234" value-id="sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_all_secure_redirects_value"/>

[ERROR] Could not find external variable with id 'oval:ssg:var:2237'.
$ grep -rin "var\:2237"
output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml:7773:              <check-export export-name="oval:ssg:var:2237" value-id="sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_default_secure_redirects_value"/>

I can revisit the sysctl stuff this weekend, unless someone else would like to resolve?
