We are currently trying to map 8500 controls to the RHEL6 draft content (either the version from git or DISA's website would work). The RHEL5 STIG benchmark contains references to the IA controls, which allows the auditors to tie each check back to 8500.
Here is an example from RedHat_5-V1R1_STIG_Benchmark-xccdf:
Rule Title: The operating system must be a supported release. STIG ID: GEN000100 Rule ID: SV-27049r1_rule Vuln ID: V-11940 IA Controls:VIVM-1
Is there any mapping either between RHEL6 and 8500 or even between RHEL6 and RHEL5 that we could use to map these? It seems none of the RHEL6 identifiers in either the build from git or the DISA website are common with the past STIG content.
Thanks, Philip