
I am having an issue with OVAL test file_permissions_ungroupowned in CentOS 5. I believe it is a bug in the oscap version that it is available in CentOS 5 (kind of old, v1.0.8).

Here is the procedure I am doing:

1. Download and build scap-security-guide for RHEL5 in my Fedora 23 machine; then copy the output to my CentOS 5 testing server:

wget https://github.com/OpenSCAP/scap-security-guide/archive/v0.1.29.tar.gz -O scap-security-guide-0.1.29.tar.gz

tar -zxf scap-security-guide-0.1.29.tar.gz

make -C scap-security-guide-0.1.29/RHEL/5 dist

scp -r scap-security-guide-0.1.29/RHEL/5/dist/content centos5-test:

Now in the CentOS 5 testing server, create a tailoring file to run file_permissions_ungroupowned test alone:

cat >ssg-centos5-xccdf-tailoring.xml <<"EOF"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Tailoring xmlns="http://checklists.nist.gov/xccdf/1.2" id="xccdf_ssg-centos5_tailoring_xccdf">
    <version time="2016-06-14T19:50:57">1</version>
    <Profile id="xccdf_my_profile_stig-centos5-upstream_tailored">
        <title>CentOS 5 [TAILORED]</title>
        <select idref="file_permissions_ungroupowned" selected="true"/>

Create a file without corresponding group in /etc/group:

touch /an_unowned_group_file

chgrp 4567 /an_unowned_group_file

find / -nogroup 2>/dev/null
/an_unowned_group_file <-- Check that it is found

Finally run oscap:

oscap xccdf eval \
    --tailoring-file ssg-centos5-xccdf-tailoring.xml \
    --profile xccdf_my_profile_stig-centos5-upstream_tailored \
    --cpe content/ssg-rhel5-cpe-dictionary.xml \

... and output is:

Title   Ensure All Files Are Owned by a Group
Rule    file_permissions_ungroupowned
Ident   GEN001170
Result  pass

I would expect that the test fails since there is at least one file without existing group.

I took a look at the OVAL definition scap-security-guide-0.1.29/RHEL/5/input/oval/file_permissions_ungroupowned.xml but I do not see anything wrong.

Do you have any idea why this test is passing when it should fail?


Rodolfo Martínez