Just to add on to what I said, I'm positive the current checks weren't actually doing recursion at all. You can tell by how quickly they return. In which case, yes, the results "make sense," because it successfully finds the only files in / that belong to root, negates the result, and prints false.

- Maura Dailey

On 07/23/2013 05:12 PM, Maura Dailey wrote:
The current check that's checked into git is broken. The permissions_ungroupowned.xml check is searching the local file system for things with group_id set to 0 and negating the result of the check. That's all it's doing. The permissions_unowned.xml check was doing the same thing, but with user_ids set to 0. I feel like it was guaranteed to fail.

On 07/23/2013 04:31 PM, Andrew Gilmore wrote:

I, along with Robert, assumed that the test was using some sort of find(1) invocation. It appears not to be, although this OVAL is pretty opaque to me.

When I see the current check failing against my system, I then run a find command, and the only output is complaints about /proc entries. I then assumed that this output was why the check was failing.

I can confirm that this check does fail against my system, or at least that testcheck returns false. The results file points at /.autofsck and /.readahead_collect, which doesn't make sense at all.

This is one of the more frustrating false positives that I have.


On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 1:47 PM, Maura Dailey <maura@eclipse.ncsc.mil> wrote:
Just an aside, I did some poking around, and it is possible to eliminate directories from the search. I looked at the USGCB stuffs and here's what I put together for file_permissions_unowned.xml in OVAL to eliminate /proc. I can do the same for the group id version. To add more exclusions, add an '|' after proc, and type in another directory path. It doesn't seem to care if you escape the forward slashes, but I left that in just in case the behavior changes later.

If anyone does figure out how to query PAM or nslcd/nscd for network user ids, I think you can add it as an extra filter option to the file_permissions_unowned_object.

Please note, I have not gotten a single failure with this check against /proc. I get thousands of failures on my workstation, since I have large git repositories checked out to directories owned by my network account on the root hard drive.

  <definition class="compliance" id="file_permissions_unowned" version="1">
      <title>Find files unowned by a user</title>
      <affected family="unix">
        <platform>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6</platform>
      <description>All files should be owned by a user</description>
      <criterion comment="Check all files and make sure they are owned by a user" test_ref="file_permissions_unowned_test" />

  <unix:file_state id="file_permissions_unowned_userid_list_match" version="1">
    <unix:user_id var_check="at least one" var_ref="file_permissions_unowned_userid_list" datatype="int" />

  <local_variable id="file_permissions_unowned_userid_list" comment="List of valid user ids" datatype="int" version="1">
    <object_component item_field="subexpression" object_ref="file_permissions_unowned_userid_list_object" />

  <ind:textfilecontent54_object id="file_permissions_unowned_userid_list_object" version="1">
    <ind:pattern operation="pattern match">^[^:]+:[^:]+:([\d]+):[\d]+:[^:]*:[^:]+:[^:]*$</ind:pattern>
    <ind:instance operation="greater than or equal" datatype="int">1</ind:instance>

  <unix:file_object comment="all local files" id="file_permissions_unowned_object" version="1">
    <unix:behaviors recurse="symlinks and directories" recurse_direction="down" recurse_file_system="local" />
    <unix:filepath operation="pattern match">^(?!\/proc)/</unix:filepath>
    <filter action="exclude">file_permissions_unowned_userid_list_match</filter>

  <unix:file_test check="all" check_existence="none_exist" comment="Check user ids on all files on the system" id="file_permissions_unowned_test" version="1">
    <unix:object object_ref="file_permissions_unowned_object" />

- Maura Dailey

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