Shawn Wells
On Oct 12, 2016, at 12:38 PM, Dan White <> wrote:

Nice list.
Waiting for other responses.
Dan White |
“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”  (Bill Waterson: Calvin & Hobbes)

On Oct 12, 2016, at 12:13 PM, Olivier BONHOMME <> wrote:

Hello the list,

I made that little sheet where I tried
to map DISA STIG rules against openscap rules located into input/xccdf

I found there were several rules (63) which didn't have a declared OpenSCAP
rule stigid reference but that actually had a matching rule. So I put in front
on these rules a matching OpenSCAP rule.

You can show these rules in the sheet using the following filter :
* Matching rule status : Checked by OB
* Potential OSCAP Matching rule : Everything except "Not Available"

Do you think it is relevant ? If it is, would you accept some PR in order to
update the stigid reference for these rules.

I also detected 76 DISA Rules without any matching test. Is it planned from
scap-security-guide project to create new rules in order to have a complete (or
almost complete) coverage against DISA Stig XCCF ?

Thanks for your answers

Thank you for doing this! Patches that map RHEL-07-* identifiers to SSG rules would be awesome. 

Intent is definitely to have full coverage. Viewing from cell phone now, so a bit hard to identify which rules are in DISA edition but not in SSG.

Olivier Bonhomme
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