On 9/21/17 2:56 PM, Sean wrote:
Hi All,

I recall recently someone had asked about SSG for Ubuntu, and there was a long thread following about the STIG process.  I was surprised today when someone asked me if I could look at the Ubuntu STIG because just last week I had been on the STIG website and no such thing had existed.

Anyway, https://iase.disa.mil/stigs/os/unix-linux/Pages/index.aspx has Ubuntu 16.04 STIG v1r1 available.  Will there be any work in the SSG project to incorporate this?

Patches to align the content would be most welcome! Given the Ubuntu STIG was only released a few days ago, many might still be digesting it.

P.S. I wonder how Canonical got a STIG published with out going through any draft releases and less than 18 months after the OS version was published?

Wagering the RHEL content laid the foundation, they just had to update it for apt vs yum and other Ubuntu-specific changes. Do a find on "Red Hat" in DISA's Ubuntu content ;) They missed a few find+replace sections.