Migration to GitHub has been discussed for some time. As preparation for this, over the past few months, the OpenSCAP community of projects have slowly established mirrors of their source repositories at https://github.com/OpenSCAP.

Off the OpenSCAP project page you'll find:
    - Tooling:  OpenSCAP Toolkit, SCAP Workbench;
    - Content: SCAP Security Guide, SCE Community Content;
    - Ecosystem Projects: Anaconda OpenSCAP Add-On, OpenSCAP Puppet extensions, Foreman integration

The idea was to provide a single source repository for the various components, and many thanks to Martin Preisler for setting all this up!

For the past two weeks, community members with commit access were asked to start using GitHub as SSG's upstream repository. We wanted to test repository access controls (thanks Greg Elin!), GitHub-style workflows (thanks, everyone), and acclimate to any process changes. The migration has been straightforward, and the new Pull Request process is working well. Hopefully, no more dropped patches or bug reports :)

You can find SSG's repository here:

We've also started a "SSG on GitHub Primer," for which patches would be most welcome:

For those who are curious, an example of the Pull Request process (how patches are displayed, how feedback can be given) can be found in the 'Add OVAL for CTRL+ALT+DELETE key sequence" patch:

The Pull Request process does mean that patches need not be sent to the mailing list anymore. While pull requests will be centrally managed on a dashboard (of sorts), that does mean members of the community may miss out on dialogs relating to code changes. To ensure you don't miss anything  you can setup yourself to "Watch" the project on GitHub.

When you 'watch' a project, you are presented with three options:
    - EMailed only upon mentioning of the project in discussion, or if someone mentions you directly;
    - EMailed upon every action (patch submissions, comments, tickets, comments on tickets...);
    - EMailed never, ever

Note than when you receive an EMail notification (say, a comment on a patch), you can reply directly from EMail. There's no need to login to GitHub to join the conversation.

When you login to GitHub, on the top right, you'll see a section that looks like this:

When you click on the "Watch" button you're presented with the three options:

GitHub does reflect new processes and a new system for community engagement. Feedback as we migrate is most welcome on the SSG mailing list:

See everyone on GitHub!
