Please disregard. I figured this out that I needed to use the -ds.xml.
On Sep 12, 2016, at 14:24, Broking Brian wrote:
Sorry to bother anyone but I am having a little difficulty with the Debian Benchmark and I need it.
I am required to use the SPAWAR SCC tool for checking. I did a git clone of the scap security guide and did a make debian8. Everything seemed to work great. Well done.
My problem is that when I try to use the files xccdf files in SPAWAR SCC I am getting a schema failure issue and I am not sure what the complaint is about. Anyone else have this situation and can you provide a work around?
I realize it is not your issue but I was hoping someone else on the list may be able to guide me on a solution.
Thank you, Brian B
On Jun 24, 2016, at 11:21, Jan Lieskovsky wrote:
Hello folks,
it's my pleasure and honor to announce that SCAP Security Guide release 0.1.30 has been created and is now available for download.
Highlights of this release:
- CNSS No.1253 (nist-CL-IL-AL) profile has been ported to Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 7,
- SCAP benchmark for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 now passes official
NIST SCAP ScapVal- content validation tool requirements,
- The XCCDF rules for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 has been equipped
with CCE identifiers,
- New CJIS "Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security Policy"
profile has been added to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 benchmark,
- Profile for each ANSSI hardening level for NP targets has been
added to Debian 8 benchmark,
- Remediation scripts don't rely on external
/usr/share/scap-security-guide/remediation_functions shell library any more (instead starting from this release the remediation scripts are part of the specific benchmark itself). This allows to perform remediation without the need to have scap-security-guide RPM package being installed.
For a more detailed overview of changes (bug fixes, enhancements) implemented in this release please have a look at more detailed changelog:
Full changelog at:
Zip archives with pre-built benchmarks in DataStream form:
(Zip archive using OVAL-5.11.1 language version)
(Zip archive using OVAL-5.10 language version)
Happy hardening!
Regards, Jan
Jan iankko Lieskovsky (on behalf of the SCAP Security Guide upstream team)
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