On 12/10/14, 3:35 PM, Shawn Wells wrote:
On 12/10/14, 11:40 AM, Trey Henefield wrote:
> Ah, so I do need to fork then. No I was trying to create a branch on
> the SSG repo. That was likely my problem.

You may find this helpful:


Feedback is most appreciated on that process!

So, I played around with the code some. Here's what I did to get your code into the GitHub style:

Quote notes...
* I extracted your code to /tmp/trey/
* My GitHub branch is /var/www/html/gh/scap-security-guide

#1: Branching
Within the zip file are a few new technologies, namely Firefox, Java, and Webmin. Each one is worthy of it's own local development branch.

$ cd /var/www/html/gh/scap-security-guide/
$ git branch trey-firefox
$ git branch trey-java
$ git branch trey-webmin

To verify the branches were created:
$ git branch -a
* master

#2: "Import" the Firefox code
$ git checkout trey-firefox
$ git branch
* trey-firefox

$ mv /tmp/tray/Firefox/ .
$ git add Firefox/
$ git commit -a -m "initial commit of firefox content"

#3: "Import" the Java & Webmin code
To change branches, check them out, e.g.:
$ git checkout trey-java

To verify what branch you're in, type "git branch". You're working branch will have an asterisk in front.

Once you're in the branch, import your content as in step #2 (mv the code in, git add, git commit).

#4: Push to GitHub
We now need to push your local changes to GitHub. You'll need to do a special formatted push for that:
$ git push origin trey-firefox
$ git push origin trey-java
$ git push origin trey-webmin
You'll see output similar to the following, though it'll only ask you for a passphrase if you have one on your keypair:
$ git push origin trey-firefox
Enter passphrase for key '/home/shawnw/.ssh/id_rsa':
Counting objects: 85, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (81/81), done.
Writing objects: 100% (84/84), 66.26 KiB, done.
Total 84 (delta 41), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:shawndwells/scap-security-guide.git
 * [new branch]      trey-firefox -> trey-firefox

#5: Issue a pull request
Go to your github project page, and you'll now see PR buttons like the following:

Click "Compare & pull request," fill out the form (aka change description of what you've done), and you're done!

We'll worry about how to incorporate feedback once the PRs are submitted. This is a really fantastic contribution by the way. Especially on Java.... very few people have tried to tackle this.