A couple of things to think about as we move towards the idea of Compliance As Code and a
central CLI/WebUI.

1. We are moving away from authoring content in XML and towards a YAML style format which
    was shown at Defense in Depth last year. Many people were smiling and liking the idea.
    Even now, playing with YAML as the authoring language at DevConf has people smiling and
    exclaiming how easy it is to use. There is no perfect format, but we have had too much
    feedback over the dislike of XML for authoring.

2. One guide authoring language to many outputs. In essence, the build system would consume
    the YAML guides (migrated from XCCDF), Ansible, BASH, Inspec, OVAL (possibly migrating
    writing this in YAML), etc. to output in DS, XCCDF, Ansible/Bash roles, Inspec, etc. to be
    consumed by the engine of your choice. Don't think that the OpenSCAP scanner should
    actually consume Inspec content..... or maybe it should. Also, just to be clear, SCAP formats
    would still be generated as output for consuming in SCAP scanners.

3. DB would most likely be used for this central CLI/WebUI as a way to store, manipulate, and
    potentially generate the data/content for SSPs, SCAP reports, etc.

4. Think beyond a CM tool. That would just one potential component of this. What other tooling
    could be used in the future to solve security issues in the disconnected space? For example
    OpenControl allows you to code and generate a SSP. What else could be an addon or

It is important to note that OpenControl and SSG for example would still be separate projects
that would be consumed by the CLI/DB/WebUI for generation, reporting, etc.

On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 11:59 AM, Matthew <simontek@gmail.com> wrote:
I knew about inspec, but everything else is new to me. One thing I dislike about gov't work, is your so far behind on learning/using new tech.

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