----- Original Message -----From: "Jan Lieskovsky" <jlieskov@redhat.com> To: "Martin Preisler" <mpreisle@redhat.com> Cc: "SCAP Security Guide" <scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org>, "open-scap-list" <open-scap-list@redhat.com> Sent: Monday, August 1, 2016 12:38:01 PM Subject: Re: Latest OpenSCAP changes to speed up SSG builds Hello Martin, [snip] I agree this change to be safe to be applied on Jenkins slaves (IOW it's functionally identical to version in previous oscap releases).Thanks for the review, Jan! I have applied the optimizations on Jenkins slaves and from my initial testing the time required for pull request builds and normal CI builds went down roughly 35-40%. It's not as much as I expected but it is a noticeable improvement. Old typical el7 SSG build + validate times: 30-40 minutes. New typical el7 SSG build + validate times: 20-30 minutes. The next big optimization lies in getting better hardware for Jenkins. `make jenkins` takes 2m16.877s on my work laptop and 20+ minutes on the OS1 nodes. That is a huge difference. And my laptop can't be called a powerful machine, it's just a dual core i7 laptop.