Hello Miguel,
remediations, as they are stored in the DataStream are prepared to be used within the environment provided by the `oscap` utility. (I.e. so `--remediate` works). So no, it's not supposed to be self contained in that particular form.

What you are looking for is probably `oscap xccdf generate fix`. That one will process the snippets and produces self-contained bash script.

So no issue - works as intended. ;)

I also tried that, and at least in my box it's not working. It's one of the things I tried when I said "I have been playing with remediation code"...

I generate the fix code with (ens is a profile I'm creating, but also fails with other profiles)
oscap xccdf generate fix --fix-type bash --profile ens --fetch-remote-resources --output remediation.sh ssg-centos7-ds.xml

This creates the remediation,sh, but it does not eem to contain the remediation functions defined in group xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_group_remediation_functions

If I search for one of the functions that fail (populate), I see it "tries" to use the function, but it's not defined in the generated remedaite script:

[root@test ~]# grep populate remediation.sh
populate login_banner_text
populate var_accounts_max_concurrent_login_sessions
populate var_accounts_user_umask
populate var_auditd_action_mail_acct
populate var_auditd_admin_space_left_action
populate var_auditd_max_log_file
populate var_auditd_max_log_file_action
populate var_auditd_num_logs
populate var_auditd_space_left_action
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_all_accept_redirects_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_all_accept_source_route_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_all_log_martians_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_all_rp_filter_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_all_secure_redirects_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_default_accept_redirects_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_default_accept_source_route_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_default_log_martians_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_default_rp_filter_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_conf_default_secure_redirects_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses_value
populate sysctl_net_ipv4_tcp_syncookies_value
populate var_auditadm_exec_content

And of course if I run it, I get errors for each invocation of that function (and any other that is supposed to be defined)

root@test ~]# sh remediation.sh
Remediating rule 1/105: 'xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_banner_etc_issue'
remediation.sh: line 34: populate: command not found
Remediating rule 2/105: 'xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_accounts_max_concurrent_login_sessions'
remediation.sh: line 52: populate: command not found
Remediating rule 3/105: 'xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_accounts_umask_etc_login_defs'
remediation.sh: line 68: populate: command not found
remediation.sh: line 70: replace_or_append: command not found
Remediating rule 4/105: 'xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_accounts_umask_interactive_users'
FIX FOR THIS RULE 'xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_accounts_umask_interactive_users' IS MISSING!
Remediating rule 5/105: 'xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_audit_rules_immutable'
Remediating rule 6/105: 'xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_audit_rules_mac_modification'
remediation.sh: line 115: fix_audit_watch_rule: command not found

Until, I understand why it fails, I'm also trying the ansible remediation, which seems to be working better, but I won't be able to use ansible in all my clients. And anyway, I would like to learm how bash remediation code works (or should work), and help if I can 😉

Miguel Armas
CanaryTek Consultoria y Sistemas SL

De: Marek Haicman <mhaicman@redhat.com>
Enviado: lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2019 12:15
Para: SCAP Security Guide <scap-security-guide@lists.fedorahosted.org>
Asunto: Re: Bash remediations failing due to missing functions
Hello Miguel,
remediations, as they are stored in the DataStream are prepared to be used within the environment provided by the `oscap` utility. (I.e. so `--remediate` works). So no, it's not supposed to be self contained in that particular form.

What you are looking for is probably `oscap xccdf generate fix`. That one will process the snippets and produces self-contained bash script.

So no issue - works as intended. ;)


On Mon, Dec 16, 2019 at 11:44 AM Kuko Armas <kuko@canarytek.com> wrote:

I've been playing with remediation code, and I've seen that remediation code for many checks fails due to undefined functions as "populate" (to populate defined variables) and "fix_audit_syscall_rule" (for audit checks)

I've seen that both functions (and many more) are defined inside the datasource, in group xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_group_remediation_functions

Since I'm a complete newbie in openSCAP, I'm not sure how it should work:

  • Is remediation code supposed to be selt-contained in the data source? Or does it depend on the host having the security-guide package installed ir order to have that functions code?
  • If it's self contained, how and where are the functions code file extracted and read by remediation code?
    • If it's extracted, is there an option to keep the temp files around to take a look?
  • Maybe I need a more recent openscap version? (I'm using 1.2.17-4.el7 in centos7)
  • Should I file an issue on ComplianceAsCode GitHub repo? or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks a lot!
Miguel Armas
CanaryTek Consultoria y Sistemas SL

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